Friday, March 23, 2018

Friday happenings

I had a doctor appointment at 11:15 today, so I only worked until 10 am and then took the rest of the day off. About a half hour before I was due to stop working this morning my accounting software crashed yet again! This is like the 3rd time in the last month or so. I have to put in a ticket with our IT people and with only a half hour left to work I knew that wasn't going to get fixed today. So, that's what I'll get to spend Monday morning dealing with. UGH.

I got to my appointment right on time and called back to the room right away. The nurse (I don't think she was the one I had when I went there before) was so nice. I had to get a tetanus booster shot. Then I have to go back sometime soon and get bloodwork (after fasting) and a mammogram. I knew I would, but I did not want to make such an early morning appointment when it's still below freezing early in the morning and I didn't want to drive 60 miles if the roads might be icy. I'll go get it done soon. The mornings are getting warmer all the time. I just need to get the bloodwork done as soon as they open at 8am, so then I can eat something. I get lightheaded easy, if I don't eat in the morning. They also have an office where I can go get both of those done, as a walk-in, and it's a little closer than their office, so I will just go there.  I also had her send my prescriptions to my insurance's mail order. I can get 90 day supply delivered to me. This will make life a bit easier. We keep having to plan our trips to the city around needing my prescriptions picked up. Now we won't have to do that and can be a bit more flexible on when we go. I also need to lose a few pounds! Yikes! I didn't like to see that scale reading. My scale at home needs a battery or something. I tried to get on it a few weeks ago but it has an error message. I was like "well, my pants seem to still fit, so I must be about same weight". Hmmm..I don't think I am.

After that was over, I stopped at Walmart and picked up a few steaks for dinners (it's so much cheaper there than the grocery store) as well as a few other items we didn't get last Tuesday. Next stop was thru the car wash (DH's request that I do). It needed it, for sure. Then I stopped at an hair cut walk in place, wanting my hair layered a bit. The wait was 40-45 minutes, so I opted out. Dang! I really wanted it cut, too. An older gentleman was just about to come in as I was walking back out, so I held the door for him. He said something and I said, well it's a 40 minute wait, so I decided to skip it. He thought for a second with the door open and said "screw it - my wife will be mad at me, but that's too long to wait" LOL. He reminded me of my grandpa :)

DH has been out at the property again all day. Today has been going more frustrating. LOTS of mud and it's quite a bit more time consuming for them trying to get the rockery down in back done. There isn't a lot of room and the machine has to be on top of the ledge setting the rocks down and the guy can't really see where they need to be placed. It's getting there, just taking longer than DH thought it would.

Weird - my iphone just updated. I can't remember the last time I got a system update notification. My phone is an old 5s, so I thought I was not able to get the updates anymore. I still can't get them for my old ipad mini anymore.

Book club meeting was fun last night. Eight of us showed up and most of us liked the book pretty well, so we had lots of discussion about it and ended up staying until 9pm. One of the ladies that is fairly new, just lives a few houses down from where we met last night. She offered to host it next month.

Well, it's almost 5:30. I would think DH should be home soon. He probably got my clean car all dirty!


  1. I would hate to have to drive far with nothing to eat or on ice.

    1. Next year I'm going to get my annual appointment later in Spring so I'm not worried about driving in early

  2. I'm late with getting my labs drawn for a similar reason. A morning with no coffee and a 45 minute drive - ugh, I'm tired just thinking about it! Lol

    Is the mud because the frost is coming out of the ground? We currently have frost laws in place. Our private dirt road is a soupy mess right now.

    1. that's what I'm thinking too 45 minutes drive w/no coffee first thing in the morning! I'm not familiar enough with the weather/ground conditions around here to know for sure. I think it's the snow melt, warming up and we've had some rain too.

  3. Jeez, I can't believe you have to drive 60 miles to go to the doctor's. If I drove 60 miles from home I would be in Italy! Anna

    1. haha! at least the speed limit is high and I can get there in less than an hour :) There are a couple dr.'s here in town, but after DH went to their office last year, I wasn't that impressed. Plus one of the book club ladies is the receptionist there. It's just too small/gossipy of a town that I'd rather make the drive once a year to the city.

  4. 45 minute wait at the salon? It was always a long wait and killed half a day or more when I had to go to the salon. I am spoiled now. My husband cuts my hair for me. No driving, waiting, expense or bad haircuts. I get my hair trimmed every other month and he gives the children theirs monthly. He always does a great job and the boys are happy with his work. At first my mother thought it was great he gave the boys haircuts as he does a great job and it saves a lot of money, but thought it was wrong for him to cut mine. Well you got a bad haircut at the salon that she paid $45 plus tip for and was complaining to me about it. I told her that is why I don’t go to the salon, I have hubby do mine. She said he certainly would have done a better job on hers and it would not cost her $45 plus tip. A few months later she was visiting when he hubby was giving the boys their haircuts and mentioned she needed hers cut as he was finishing my older son’s haircut. Hubby joked not a problem, you are next. She said ok and took a seat on the stool. I was surprised as hubby caped her and asked how much did she want him to take off. She said about an inch or so. He showed her two fingers width and said this much? She nodded and he trimmed her hair. Afterwards she inspected his work, smiled and thanked him saying she liked his work and the price, a free haircut. So my mom now asks him to cut her hair for her now and I just smile.

    1. I was spoiled most of my life, as my mom was our family hair cutter. I can't get myself to pay $45 or more, so I either just go to a walk in place for $15 or try to trim it myself.

  5. It seems some people are just good with it. Hubby’s mom always cut his and the rest of the children’s in his family and his one aunt would cut her family’s hair and for a few of her friends as well. The other factor is he has gotten a lot of practice, easily over 100 haircuts he has given to my boys alone. Plus my hair, my mom’s, and a couple of my friends. I figure it saves me hundreds a year for the boys and me and I know hubby enjoys the ego stroking when my friends thank him and compliment his work. He prefers long hair on women, so they know he will not get scissor happy and cut their hair too short. As a long haired woman that is very important to me and most other women.

    1. I cut my Dh's hair with clippers about once a month. Saves lots of money there, too.
