Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Taxes resolved, waiting, side dishes

A few phone calls back and forth and I now have my mom's tax return question figured out. She's always had a 1099-DIV form to report in the past several years. She couldn't find one in the paperwork for 2017. She ended up calling her broker and he explained there isn't one for 2017, as one of the accounts she had, that had dividends, got closed.  In between the phone calls I decided I could probably just log into her investment account online and pull all her tax forms from there.....of course the log in and password info I wrote down to have on hand, when I last visited her, didn't work! I give up. LOL. Anyhow, the tax return her neighbor friend did for her is correct, so we do not have to file an amended return. Yay.

Over 5 weeks now waiting for an appraisal. A bit ridiculous, don't you think? And our luck he'll decide it doesn't appraise for what we paid for the land and the construction costs. You just wait and see. So then what? we just wasted $1000 on an appraisal for nothing? If it can't appraise enough, then we can't get the loan........I just wish we'd get an answer. I'm tired of sitting here wondering.  Feels like our life has been completely on hold for weeks now.  Supposedly it was due to the bank yesterday, but banker lady said "but they are running later out in your area". Gee, 5 weeks isn't late enough as it is?

I know I've mentioned more than once that I really do not like to cook. Trying to think of what to make for dinner every night......and then actually having to make it?! Ugh! It does help if I plan the meals ahead of time, or at least pick out a weeks worth of meals to make, even if I don't make them on the original night planned. We typically have a main dish of meat or a casserole. Side dishes are a vegetable and then a "sweet" side dish. The veggies I rotate between green beans, corn, and potatoes. The sweet side dish I alternate between applesauce (unsweetened) and jello. Depending on what exactly we are having, sometimes rolls are added. A few meals kind of stand on their own with no sides. Pizza, or for example last night DH just wanted a taco salad. Sometimes we have breakfast for dinner.

I'd like to have another sweet alternative or two to the applesauce and jello, but I don't know what. Sometimes we have rice, but not very often. Occasionally watermelon.  Anyone have any other ideas for something a bit sweet, like applesauce or jello? It can't be something I actually have to spend a bunch of time making. I don't even like having to make the main dish! LOL.

Also, has anyone ever frozen Pillsbury dough, like for crescent rolls? We like those, but 8 is just to much for the two of us and I waste half of it. Sometimes I buy the tiny can that has 4 in it, but they don't sell that size here in town, so most often I have to buy the 8 count.


  1. Just make the rolls and then throw half of them in the freezer for later. Just don't freeze them raw or still in the tube.

    1. I've tried reheating them, but they aren't as good to me.

  2. We like ours cold as leftovers. You can also cook some with ham and cheese rolled into them.
    And you can always feed them to the squirrels.

    1. eventually I'll have some chickens to give the scraps too :)

  3. Home made chocolate mousse? It's pretty easy to make (although more work than jello admittedly).

    1. that sounds good, but I doubt I'd make it haha

  4. How about opening a can of peaches for something sweet? Drain and rinse them if you don't want the sugar or buy them not canned in sugar.

    1. DH doesn't like peaches, but pears are a good idea.

  5. When you bake the rolls, undercook half of them , put them on a cookie sheet and freeze then toss them in a ziplock freezer bag it is easy to take them out and heat just what you will need for a meal. Buy several cans and do them all at once. You will have rolls for a while.

    1. do you know if you can just freeze the dough before baking?

  6. I'm with you in that I don't like to cook. I make bigger meals when my DH is home but when he isn't, I keep it very simple.

    That is crazy how long it is taking for your appraisal to come back. Hope they don't keep you waiting too much longer!

    Now that your mom knows your numbers on her taxes matched what her neighbor had figured, do you think she will have the neighbor do them for her again next year?

    1. She said she was going to have me do it. I expressed some concern about her financial safety in giving her social security and bank info to someone she doesn't know very well. She's pretty wealthy and you just never know. I don't trust people anymore. Her reply was "well that's why I had her do it on my computer". Well...she still could write down her info and take it with her....I told her if she doesn't want me to do it I'd feel a lot better/safer if she went to a CPA or tax preparer company. She said she'll have me keep doing it.

  7. How about a small can of doctored up baked beans or even a sweet coleslaw?

    1. thanks for the ideas! Baked beans are a yes. Yuck on the coleslaw, though LOL. I wish DH liked macaroni or potato salad, those would have been good sides, too. He's so picky.
