Saturday, March 17, 2018

Saturday morning projects

Our friend is here helping DH cut up the rebar into all the lengths he needs. First we met up with him at the restaurant in town for some breakfast. It was 9am and usually fairly busy on weekend mornings, but there were only a couple of cars in the lot. Well, turns out their ATM payment machine was down, so they were having to tell people as they came in they could only take cash or local check. I think most people don't have cash on them nowadays. We actually haven't eaten there in quite awhile. When we first moved here we'd go about once a week.

When I was at the town grocery store yesterday afternoon, their ATM payment machine went down too! I was stuck there for like 15 minutes or more. She rang up my groceries, I inserted my chip card, got approved and then ok to remove card. Right after I did that her screen froze. She couldn't complete the sale and print receipt. They kept trying to reboot the machine and then reboot the register itself. We were commenting on  how strange it was that I got the remove card notice and then the cashier girl said "hey, do you have online banking? (as I had my phone out texting DH who was waiting in the car wondering what was taking me so long), check and see if the charge went through your bank. If it did, then you can go, we just can't give you a receipt. I logged in and it did, so I got out of there, finally.

Friend didn't get the bring the type of saw he wanted, so it will only cut the rebar. They won't be able to run out to the property and use it to cut off the excess well casing. The little bender tool DH's dad was sending (supposedly via 2 day priority mail) hasn't shown up yet, so I guess no bending will happen either today.

At the restaurant we ran into the guy (again LOL) who will be cutting up the trees into lumber. I swear that guy is everywhere in town. DH told him as soon as he can move the trees over to the side of the road, he's free to come out and get it done.

While they are out in back cutting up the rebar, I took another stab at cleaning that carpet stain again. You'd think at some point the dirty water being sucked back up into the machine would start getting cleaner/lighter. Not much.  Grrr.. Carpet is gross. I'm glad the majority of our new house will be hard flooring.

I finished that book "The Handmaid's Tale" last night. It was plain awful. LOL. Some pages I kinda skimmed over, it was so boring. It's like it didn't even really have an ending. I'm really not sure how this book was good enough to read, let alone have a tv series made out of it. I guess I just really have different tastes than others. Now I can get back to finishing one of my funner reads.


  1. Your construction tales are very interesting. I do not think I would be very good at building a house. I am way too impatient.
    I read The Handmaid's Tale the year it was released and really did like it, but I love books that make me think about the possibilities instead of tying things up in a neat ending. I actually like movies that end with uncertainties too, except possibly Jacob's Ladder and I am still not sure how/when/where that one ended.

    1. I'm just the opposite. I like to know exactly what happens. Must be why I'm an accountant - black and white. haha.

  2. I saw the movie in the 90s and like the book. The story was itself awful, but I enjoyed the story if you can call in "enjoy." Now, I suppose I have to read the book. It is not the type book or movie that is supposed to give a person a sense of satisfaction or happiness. I wonder what the "ending" will be eventually.

    I would let the PO know you paid for 2-day and did not get the service you paid for...or whatever service you used.

    There are all sorts of tales of our banking system failing. I wonder.

    1. The package came today. He probably didn't end up mailing it until Thursday. The weird thing is it never showed up in my USPS "informed delivery" online page. It's a good thing DH had him mail it flat rate box - it weight a ton and would have cost a fortune to mail in a regular box or UPS.

  3. As daft as it sounds I still use cash, being totally converted after I started using the cash envelope system to budget. I know it's daft as I work in Switzerland and we haven't used cheques here since 2003. But the cash envelope system for so many budget items works a treat for me (although I do internet banking too of course). It was an eye-opener when people were talking about the big hurricanes being about to hit and they had to make sure they had cash. I never thought about that side of it (obviously if the electric goes out no-one could pay for things otherwise). Anna

    1. I think it's great that cash can work well for some people. For some reason I totally have a hard time keep track of what I have and what I've spent. Our friend that was over yesterday says he still mails all his bills in with a check.
