Monday, March 19, 2018

It's Monday!!

DH is back over across the street helping neighbor out again today. I get to work in peace and quiet LOL. DH had told him yesterday he really needs another load of rock for the base, so that got delivered this morning.

The equipment operator guy called last night to let DH know the backhoe (or whatever it is they are using) will be dropped off at our property today and he hopes to get started again on the rockery tomorrow. Yay! That back rockery has to get done before excavating foundations can start. I guess the guy's surgery is today and it's dental, so he thinks he'll be fine tomorrow, but if not he'll wait until Wednesday. I'm really excited to see this back rockery get done as it will also have some stone steps going down to the lower level. When our friend was out on Saturday and saw the rockery we have done so far, in person, he said the pictures DH has sent him don't do it justice.

Our property neighbor emailed me yesterday. While we were out there Saturday for while (with our friend) and I guess she was worried we'd notice her clothesline and get worried! I didn't even notice it (too far away). She said their dryer broke down, LOL. It was just temporary. Then she wanted to know if DH had one of the fence post "rammers" they could borrow. Yes, he has one of those (I think he just about has one of everything) and of course they can borrow it.  They are going to be planting a grove of walnut trees on the lot next to them (they purchased the lot last year). During the fires last summer that got so close, DH let them use his fancy sprinkler system to keep things watered. She also said in the email they want to set one of those up for themselves this summer, so she wanted to know where we got the 4 way connector. We had bought it at a local hardware store where we used to live, but I sent her an amazon link to the same thing.

We are going to take our picnic table out to the property to leave there. When we get ready to show our house, having it gone will help make our tiny little back yard not look so crowded. The previous owners had left it here, but we'll have lots of room to use it at our new house. We'll probably set it in our very back yard area, that is along the river bank edge. It weighs a ton, so while DH's friend was here on Saturday he had him help him lift it onto the back of our flatbed car trailer. Whew. Glad I didn't have to try to help with that one.

Tomorrow is our day to sign closing documents on the construction loan for the shop. I'm still waiting for a call or email for last minute can't go this smooth.  Our appointment is at the bank at 11am. Once we are done with that we're going to do our monthly grocery shopping. Good thing, because I am just about out of everything to make dinners.

The company DD works for (a large national company) is just messed up. They constantly take away "benefits". This year they started offering people, if they want, to work 4-10's one week a month. DD decided to do it, so a few weeks ago she had her 4-10 work week. Then next week she has Monday off and was to work 4-10's. They have plans for the weekend and Monday (FSIL aunt and uncle coming to visit and stay with them). Today they just canceled the 4-10 work weeks, so now if she still wants Monday off, she has to use her vacation time. Plus they just dumped a bunch more work on everyone, because another person in her dept. quit. She's seriously so done with this company. It's been like 2 months since her boss told her he was trying to get her bumped up a position. I wish she could find something new.  She was like "they don't even have decent coffee to drink". LOL. I hated to tell her that in our brand new office my company put in a "coffee bar". Fancy coffee drinks whenever you want one (of course you have to make it yourself, but still very nice)


  1. Would anyone mind if clotheslines were on a property? I would have to put one behind a tall fence, if so. Interesting things going on there at your place.

    1. I'm not really sure if it's part of our covenant's or not. I don't recall reading that. I know a lot of subdvisions have rules where you can't put up clotheslines. Some people think they don't look good. I personally don't care if someone has one.

  2. A clothes line wouldn't bother me either. I can't wait to see the progress of your property!

    1. There should be some good progress today on the rockery :)
