Thursday, March 1, 2018

Thursday this and that

We're still waiting on the appraiser. It was 4 weeks on Monday, since it was ordered. Two weeks yesterday, since the appraiser was out to our property. We'll just sit here and twiddle our thumbs waiting on $1000 for an appraisal, but sit and wait for it. They use the excuse that they take longer because of where we live. Ok... but he's had the info he needed for two weeks now. At that point, what difference does it make how close to the city we are? I would imagine most appraisals take about the same amount of time to put together, once you have the facts.

I spent the work day going through our work vendor list - contacting via email those I could about our new mailing/billing address. Of all the vendors we have online accounts'd think those would be the easy ones to log in and update our billing address. Nope. Not a one of them has that option!

A few services we've had for a long time at our old office are getting canceled and I've taken care of a couple of those today. Water cooler delivery, on hold "muzak", soda delivery, cleaning service. I think for a couple of those services we are using new companies in the area of the new office.

I had a funny text exchange with my neighbor friend across the street. DH had looked out the window around lunch time and noticed she had come home and a truck was parked there too. Then DH starts laughing and says "it's for satellite service! haha!"  When we were over there for dinner awhile back she had said she wished they had satellite tv, but J is too cheap to get it.  DH says text D and tell her I'm texting J she's getting satellite installed while he's away working. D texted back tell on her all he wants. LOL. Then she called him "Gladys". We got a really good laugh at that one. Those of you my age and older probably get the reference.

Well, this is strange. I'm signed up for that USPS mail delivery notification emails. It shows scans of mail and packages coming your way. This mornings email is a scan of an envelope I sent to my side job, being returned as undeliverable "not known/return to sender". What the heck?!! That is their address, has been for 8 years. It is totally legible, as I use a preprinted address label, so it's not like they couldn't read my writing or something. I mail several envelopes a month to them. Plus, it's a check for one of their employees expense reimbursements, so I'm sure she's been waiting on it. Good grief.

We might be seeing a friend from out of state, tomorrow or this weekend. I'm not really sure what the plan is. He's coming thru our area around noon (heading to the city), taking care of some business in the city that afternoon. Tomorrow is my half day of work and we have plans to go visit the cabinet lady, but it might snow, so if it does we aren't going. If we are home I guess friend will stop by. Otherwise we'll probably have to see him on his way back, which I have no idea when that is. Knowing this guy, it will probably be that evening, LOL.  


  1. It sounds like you have a good relationship with your neighbor. that is always a good thing, especially after your last neighbors.

    1. they are a great couple. Just wish our neighbor directly next door was decent, too. We'd probably just stay here in this house then.

  2. Does DH get "sick headaches" too like Gladys? lolz

  3. I would like to be able to say I had now idea what tour neighbor meant by "Gladys". Does that make you Abner?

  4. I'm horribly impatient when it comes to waiting for things like an appraisal to come back. Hopefully they won't keep you waiting much longer.

    I loved all the happenings on Morning Glory Circle!

    1. I love how everyone knows and remembers who Gladys is. I always wanted to be Samantha :)

  5. So fun, the Bewitched references! Made my day. I have a Gladys as a neighbor, which is fun. She always knows everything going on in the neighborhood. She said she is going to sabotage our efforts to sell our house so we don't move away. We will sure miss her and her husband. Exciting times ahead for you and for me too!
