Thursday, March 15, 2018


I've been about 30/70 with liking the books to read for book club. Especially the past few books. I have not really enjoyed the books much.  The one for this month, I read quite a few months ago, and did like that one ok (Tell the Wolves I'm Home).  But the one for next month, I gave up on. It's called the Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead. I tried to start it before Christmas and didn't get very far at all. Then I started it again this past month. Another book about slavery in the South. Nothing much different than other books I have read on the subject. Then suddenly the underground railroad was being portrayed as an actual underground railroad. I was like what the heck? I lost interest after that. I guess I felt that the book could have stood on it's own, delving into the personality of the main character, rather than adding that fake stuff into it.

We plan the books several months in advance, so as soon as I know, I put them on reserve as an e-book to borrow from the library. I'm glad I haven't paid money to buy these books! Sometimes I have to wait quite a while, so it's good that I can know pretty far in advance. I've been waiting forever for "The Handmaids Tale" (coming up for discussion in a few months) and it's finally my turn to borrow it. I don't even know if I will like it. I tried to watch the tv series and pretty much hated it. I hope the book is better. Have any of you read it?

I think, in general, I like books I can just read and not sit and analyze. While I enjoy the meetings and talking about the books, I'm finding that the books for discussion aren't that great LOL. I guess I just don't have that sophisticated of taste in books, haha. I enjoy a wide variety of genres and I especially enjoy series books.  I've recently read a series by Debbie Macomber. I've been reading a couple different series books by David Baldacci. I'm still waiting in line for the last book in Stephen King's Dark Tower series.  I'm always waiting for the latest book to be written from my two favorite series that I have been reading for YEARS:  Sue Grafton Alphabet series (first published in 1982) and Patricia Cornwell's Scarpetta series (first published in 1990).

I'll continue with the book club, if nothing else for the social interaction aspect. There have been times when we pretty much all showed up disliking the book we were to discuss. But, I think trying to read through and then be motivated to meet to discuss books that aren't so good is probably one of the reasons so many meetings have ended up getting cancelled.


  1. This is why I am hesitant to join a book club. I have had to read and discuss books I hate due to being an English major. So, not having a discussion about to whom the book was written, time and circumstances, and the author's life would make me very unhappy.

    1. I've always loved to read, but never much enjoyed those English Lit classes at all. I don't want to sit and analyze what this sentence symbolized, LOL

  2. I have never read "The Handmaid's Tale" but feel like I should as the author and I went to the same high school! She is much older ;) I prefer lighter reads. It's been years since I belonged to a book club but would be fun to join one again.

    1. I prefer lighter reads too, for the most part. I'm into the second chapter of The Handmaids Tale. No real like or dislike of it so far.

  3. I liked the handmaids tale but it was pretty short. I have no intention of watching it in the series for hours a day.

    Sorry to tell you Sue Grafton passed away so Y is the last book in th Alphabet Series. I’ve been reading them for years as well.

    1. oh, I didn't realize she passed, how sad. Looks recent. I really enjoyed her books. Light read and enjoyed the humor.

  4. Even though I am an avid reader (and will read a variety of genres), I have had a difficult time with book clubs in the past. One was TOO analytical and the other was TOO social (as in let's get together and go drinking). So, I gave up. LOL I'm really lucky in that my husband loves to read too so we recommend books to each other and discuss them after we both are done. =)

    1. The book club I am in seems to be a good balance. It's a potluck dinner. One or two might have a glass of wine, but that's about it. I wouldn't like it at all if everyone was just there to drink. We socialize while we eat dinner and then sit at the table and discuss the book questions (usually found at end of the books) afterwards.
