Monday, March 20, 2017

The weekend trip

Our weekend trip to see DD was very nice. I had to work a half day Friday and we didn't want to get over there before they got off work anyway, so we left here about 12:30 in the afternoon. It took about 7 hours and with the time difference it was 6:30 when we got there. Seven hours in a packed up car and two big dogs!

We had a bunch of stuff to take to them! First off we didn't see each other Christmas and one of the presents for her BF was big, so instead of mailing it all we said we'll bring them over sometime after Christmas. But, this was a real winter (first in like 20 years here) with lots of snow, so we didn't get to to until this past weekend. Exactly a year ago last year we were coming over here to look for a place to live - there was no snow and the passes had very little snow up in the mountains.

So, we had lots of Christmas presents, lots of housewarming type gifts and the blanket ladder DH made for her. They loved all the gifts and the first thing she said when she saw the ladder was "Dad you could sell these things".

I downloaded a couple of audio books from the library for the drives. Great way to make the drive go faster and got some great history lessons. We listened to Killing Lincoln on the way over (had to finish the last bit on the way back) and loved that one. So much details and I learned a lot. When we finished that we started Killing Jesus. We probably still have half of that one to finish. Might just end up reading it, since I find it hard to listen to audio books unless I'm in a car.

We slept in one of their spare bedrooms where she had her old queen bed from her apartment. There is a big difference between sleeping in a queen vs. king - that's for sure! Plus our one dog always likes to sleep on the bed with us, no matter where we are. Not the most comfortable mattress, but I've had worse at motels. We all took our time getting going Saturday morning and I totally forgot that DD doesn't have any washcloths! She doesn't use them. She uses a makeup remover towelette and a loofah thingy for soap. Ack! I always use a washcloth to wash my face. So after my shower Saturday morning I said we are going over to Target and I'm buying  you a few washcloths, LOL. BF, and much to our surprise DH, said they would go too. She has a Tractor Supply down the road too, so we would pick up a couple bags of our dog food (since our last trip to get dog food only yielded one bag).

Target was a hoot. DH decided we needed a cart (for washcloths?!) and by the time we were done we had a cart full of stuff for both of us. Pretty much anything DD or I said we liked he'd throw in the basket LOL. She got a new blanket to put on her blanket ladder. He bought a small picture for himself and a big bag of M&M's, a cute outdoor chair pillow, a rug for our bathroom and a rug for DD's back sliding door area. Also a curly type hose for watering flowers for me.  When we were going to check out DH said since we live out of state with no sales tax ask them if you can show your driver's license to get tax exempt. So, I did and sure enough she just had to scan the back of my drivers license and we saved almost $20. Plus I still had Target gift cards that covered some of the total.

Then we went to Tractor Supply. They had baby chicks too (and baby ducks!) So cute. DD and I loved looking at them while the guys wandered around. We got our 2 bags of dog food and then were looking at the cute home decor and furniture and DD saw these adorable bar stools (DH had just said to her the night before she needs to get some bar stools for her counter between kitchen and family room). They kind of looked rustic and had a whiskey barrel feel. So, we bought them for her. $70 for a set of two - can't beat that price for bar stools. The ones we looked at Target were $90 each.

Then we went and had lunch at a very cute burger place. An old gas station made into a restaurant. Lots of neat car and gas station decor. Good burgers and fries too.  Got back to their place and put together the bar stools and watched a movie, had dinner and just relaxed and watched some tv and chatted the rest of the evening.

Saturday morning DH had called up a good friend, who has a mechanics shop just a few miles from DD. Did he have time to put brakes on our car? He said he could do it Sunday morning, no problem. So we dropped it off Sunday morning, took a drive to see where DD and her BF work, then were back at their place visiting. We had decided if he got the car done early enough we'd head back home yesterday. If not we'd just stay another night. All of us drive down to where we used to live and have dinner with DH's parents and sister and drive home Monday. (my mom was at her bf's and 2-3 hours drive away, so didn't go see her this trip). I think we both really wanted to get heading home Sunday, LOL.

By about 11am friend called and he was already done with the car. It only needed front brakes and only cost $130. We visited with him a bit. He's supposed to be coming over our way for a visit next month to look at some property, so we told him to come and stay at our place. We decided to head home early that afternoon and got home a little after 8pm last night. Home sweet home! Even though I love my DD to death, I wanted to be here, so this must be where we are meant to be :)  Oh.....and my comfortable bed!


  1. Sounds like a great visit! I am with you - nothing like home and our bed!

    1. After having a king sized bed all these years, I'd never got back to queen.

  2. Great weekend! Had to laugh at getting a cart at Target. I always get one...often just to lean on and have something to hold my purse. Much like in your experience, having a cart also means you can buy more stuff...which in my case, isn't always a good thing. lol

    1. I think having something to hold on to while he walked was DH's intention, but well, you know how Target is...LOL!

  3. sounds like your DH was really enjoying himself!! And I find Target has that affect on people :)
    You know I thought the same thing as your daughter at one point, maybe your husband can have a little hobby business type set up after your new house is done?

    1. He did mention awhile back that he'd love to have an area in his new shop where it's easy to do wood work stuff, so maybe!
