Sunday, March 12, 2017

Saturday errands

Yesterday we went to the city to pick up one of my prescriptions, dog food, and stock up on groceries. The dog food I buy is at Tractor Supply, only they didn't show any in stock when I checked online. This store is like another 15 minutes past where we grocery shop, so didn't want to make the trip there if they didn't have any. I called to double check and they had one bag left in back, so she held it for me. Wish they would have had a couple of bags. When we got there, in the middle of the store were all the baby chicks for sale! Oh my! so cute! DH had wanted to look and some garden hoses there and a hose reel, but decided not to get what they had.

We ended up going to Walmart to shop/stock up. Mistake. It was already noon and of course so crowded. I really wasn't thinking about what time of day it was or I would have just gone to a regular (less crowded) grocery store. To be fair, I did give DH the option of which store LOL. I usually do my shopping before 10am, so it's never very crowded. It's hard to get DH feeling ready to get his muscles all going that early, so we didn't even leave the house until 10:30. We got through it. He had a cart (for the heavy items) and I had a cart. We filled up both, but should be well stocked for the next month.

We stopped in Target and got my prescription, then stopped at Wendy's to grab some lunch (I was starving by then).  This Wendy's has the BEST fast food burgers I have ever tasted. The buns are amazingly fresh. I have eaten A LOT of fast food over the years. McD's, Wendy's, etc and have never had a burger taste this good. We now stop there whenever we go into the city to shop.

We were too tired by then to go to Home Depot or Lowe's, so we just headed home and got all the stuff unloaded and put away.

The snow is melting and we are starting to see our yard again. We did some measuring around as DH wants to put some edging in between the lawn and the dirt areas, where plants/shrubs should be, but previous owners never put any in. There is literally one shrub on this property, under back kitchen window. We will probably be spending about $500 this spring to get some landscaping/plants put in around here. I think it would definitely help for resale (not to mention give DH lots to do this spring and summer)


  1. Proud of you for not bringing any of those cute little chicks home with you! We did that several years ago. For what I spent on building the coop (built it myself!) and then spent on the upkeep of having 12 chicks, I could have bought plenty of organic eggs from a nearby farmer. On the flip side, the chickens really were a lot of fun.

    1. I want chickens when we build our new house! I don't really know anything about having them, haha. I just want like 3 or 4.

    2. Chickens are some of the easiest "pets" you'll ever own. I knew next to nothing when I first got them too!

    3. DH was asking me about how to clean up after them - I said I had no idea -yet! LOL

  2. Curb appeal is always a good thing. I think that it is a wise investment. Just remember to not go overboard.

    1. yes the yard definitely needs some curb appeal. Thankfully it's a very small lot, so we aren't going to go too overboard. Add a little more grass (that's cheap and easy) on the one side of house that basically is a 7 ft wide strip of dirt and add some shrubs and plants. The rest will be potted flowers, as I always have done with annuals to add color.
