Monday, March 13, 2017

Other people's crap

I think Daylight Saving time is dumb, but thankfully I didn't feel like I lost an hour sleep. We had no schedule to keep on Sunday, so I just left my clocks the same, slept until my normal time and then got up and changed the clocks.

While sitting at my computer, drinking my coffee, I decided to get my mom's taxes done. It literally took me less than 15 minutes! She just has her social security, her annual draw from retirement account and some interest to report. It was sooo much easier just doing it at my own computer, rather than sitting at her's trying to do it.

The weather got into the low 50's so we went outside and did some clean up. Let me just say it's bad enough to have to clean up your own crap, but really ticks me off to have to clean up what someone else left behind. The previous owner (he was a contractor) left behind a huge pile of forms and scrap wood. When we first moved in DH piled it up neatly at the end of the shop and the guy was supposed to come and haul it off. Of course he never did. So we loaded it into our small dump trailer. Those forms are heavy and some were too long, so DH had to saw parts of them. We filled up the whole trailer. But now that little area is cleaned up, at least.

We got this little dump trailer in a trade a few months ago. DH was trying to sell that 53' semi trailer we bought to move over here and this guy offered this in trade. DH thought this will come in handy for hauling material to the property when we start our site work. He'll be able to haul stuff himself, rather than paying someone else. Then we can sell it when done. But since we really do not have the room to store it (It's taking up a big part of our little back yard and we already have a small car trailer in back, next to our shop) DH is going to take it over to his friends place, who has 14 acres, and leave it there and let this friend use it whenever he needs to. A win for both of us. Friend said to bring the wood over to his place and we can burn it there, rather than paying to take to dump.

After dinner of steak and mashed potatoes, we watched a good movie on HBO: The Dallas Buyers Club. Boy, Matthew McConaughey sure lost weight for that movie. We liked the movie and I can see why he and Jared Leto won Oscars.

I've been reading up a storm lately. Already finished the March and April books for the book club. Now I'm reading a book I got for DH to read. A non-fiction book about the enhanced interrogation used on the Al Qaeda terrorists captured after 9/11, written by one of the interrogators. Very interesting read.


  1. We had a trailer just like that...VERY handy. Dallas Buyers Club...great movie (love MM). I am still cleaning up piles of crap left here by the previous renters and my oh my they did not take care of things and I am forever feeling dumb for putting in maintenance requests to the management company. Its a house in a rental community and some things I can fix but some things I can't (still waiting for a new outside spigot). I prefer to treat this house as my own since I am not planning on moving again unless its Hawaii. 17 moves in 20 years? I am done.

    1. 17 moves! wow -you've been busy. Military moves? I love MM too. He gives great speeches too. Thankfully the previous owners of this house (they built it) did take care of it. I just didn't appreciate all the stuff they left behind. I couldn't imagine having done that to the lady that bought our old house.

    2. Just allowing hubby to chase his dream of the perfect job. HA!!! Now that I have my perfect job, I am staying put.

  2. haven't seen that movie. It will be exciting when you start on your new build.

    1. Building next year will be here before we know it. We'll see what site work we can get done this summer out of pocket. At least get the dirt moved for the building site and hoping to put in well and septic, too

  3. We would like to have a trailer like that. That would come in very handy. I bet that book is interesting. It might shed an interesting perspective on water boarding. I'm all for water boarding. If somebody took one of my kids and their partner was captured, I would totally water board to get info to save my kid.

  4. DH was really excited when the guy offered it for trade. He's wanted one of these types of dump trailers for quite awhile and I'm sure he (and our friend) will get good use out of it and I don't think we'll have any trouble selling it when the time comes
