Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Auto parts and trees

Sunday we drove over to the auto parts store here in town. Yes, we do actually have one in this little town. No, it's not open on Sunday. LOL.  We didn't really have anything else to do, so we decided to drive into the city and go to Lowe's. DH wanted some plastic edging stuff to go around the house, between the lawn and dirt area around the house. Make it look neater and then we'll put some plants and shrubs around in the dirt area.  He also bought a covered garden hose reel and a post hole digger tool. He will use that to hopefully make it a bit easier to dig holes for all the shrubs and thuja trees we plan to plant.

DH's friend knows of a wholesale nursery place about a half hour or so north of us. So, in the next weekend or two we are all going to go up and get some trees. Friend wants a bunch of trees for his place (he's still working on the landscaping) and we want a bunch of those thuja trees to add to our landscaping and add some privacy. We're going to finally use our little pull along dump trailer that DH traded for when he got rid of the big moving trailer. But first, dump trailer has a tire that keeps losing air, so when DH and friend were out exploring last Saturday they dropped it off at a tire place to get fixed and friend picked it up for DH yesterday after work. And it needed a new battery (that operates the dump part). When we traded for it the guy said it needed a battery and gave DH $200 in cash as part of the trade. That's what DH was expecting a battery to cost, too, so was pleasantly surprised yesterday, when we ran over to the auto parts store, that the battery was only $110, plus he bought a plastic box it sits in for $15. Hopefully we'll get to the nursery in the next weekend or two.

The weather this week is very cloudy and rainy. All the snow is gone and the grasses are starting to turn from winter brown to green. Temps in the low 50's during the day and just above freezing at night. Kinda gloomy here this week. We noticed a street sweeper (very old machine!) out yesterday. The streets are at least starting to look a little cleaner, rather than full of gravel from the sanding during the winter.

I was clearing out pictures on my ipad the other day and came across a bunch of pictures of all the flowers in full bloom at my old house. So pretty. I'm ready for some color around here! Still way to early though :(


  1. Street sweeper...a sign of Spring! Sadly, we still have snow. Just saw 2 snowmobilers taking a ride on our lake.
    You made out good with that battery!

    1. you must really be in a cold area! Spring is coming - I promise :)

    2. Yes, we are! The joke is that it snows in July.
