Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Almost mid week and almost payday

I logged into my Walmart account online again this morning and my vacuum is now showing as shipped! Woohoo! Says it will be here Thursday, but I doubt it. I don't think a Fed Ex delivery has been here by the date it says yet, but at least it's on it way and I should be able to use it this weekend on my next vacuuming. Plus when I checked my pending Swagbucks I am earning 5% back on it, instead of the 3% I thought I was going to get.

The weather is a-changing. Most of the snow is all gone, except where it got shoveled into piles. That is slowly melting and getting rained on. Getting in the 50's during the day. We had snow since right after Thanksgiving until just a few days ago and then it's almost gone just as fast as it came. DH is pouting haha. He loves the snow. We're starting to find all the lost tennis balls in the fields next to us.

Next Thursday is my next book club meeting. I thought she had said it's the last Thursday of each month (it was last month) but from the email I see it's next Thursday. The only part I don't like is having to think of something to bring to eat! I took dessert last time, so really don't want to take that again.

DH hasn't been feeling too well lately. Lots of pain and lots of fatigue. I know part of it is if he doesn't have something to do then he sits or sleeps too much and that makes his muscles stiffen up. But on the other hand, if he's too active he's in more pain. Kind of a no win, but doing a little bit each day seems to be the best. It's 2pm and he finally got himself outside, doing a little yard clean up.

Well, another payday (tomorrow actually) come and gone and no annual review still. This is the latest into the year it's ever gone. Kinda starting to think it's not going to happen this year. Oh well. I'm not sure the point of doing the self review if nothing was going to come of it.  I had made a suggestion in it, that I'd kind of like to get feedback on. I'll give it another month and at least bring that up. Even though it would cost about $50 a month to use the service, it would be a timesaver worth more than that. I know she is swamped and hasn't even been able to get me the 2017 budget report yet. I'll just keep plugging away and getting my stuff done :)


  1. I am a lot like your husband in that no movement brings pain and lots of movement brings pain. Right now, it is pretty bad - cannot stand up straight.

    Yes, payday this week! My son is in the same position. They have not given him a review either, although everyone else has had one. They told him that they had to get approval because they are changing his position, but that was 3 weeks ago. They changed the position, just no word - he could use a raise as well! My husband has not had a raise in 3 years. The oil industry is just not back up to par.

    1. yes, it's definitely a balancing act to have some activity but not too much, and he pretty much sucks at it! Sorry you are feeling so bad too!

  2. What about bringing a pasta salad? That's pretty easy and always a hit. Or bring an appetizer, cheese, meat and crackers or spinach dip with chips. Or what about meatballs in a Crock-Pot? Or a fruit bowl? Or I would even bring a Caesar salad and add the dressing and shake it right there?

    Lol! I love food too much and I'm hungry right now.

    1. those are all terrific ideas! A couple of the ladies brought salads to the last one. The host had a yummy soup and there was a meat/cheese tray. I like the pasta salad idea - I've never made one before! I should give it a try.

  3. my hubby hasn't had a raise in years. He has been bringing in the same annual income for probably over 20 years, which was fine 20 years ago, but price wise everything is rising......

    1. I can't imagine going 20 years without a pay raise! Well, I wouldn't do it, period. I'd quit and find another job. I've done it before. How do you live without at least some sort of cost of living raise every so often? What is your hubby's employer's reason for no raise in 20 years?

  4. My husband is still waiting for his annual review too. For the past 14 years it has been the second week in February. This year, it keeps getting postponed. I'm also wondering if they're going to skip (ie avoid raises!) I sure hope not.

    I'm always a fan of fruit trays at get togethers. :) Easy!

    1. the funny part is it was due like Jan 20th but I got really busy that day and wasn't quite done with it. I emailed my boss to let her know I'd get it to her first thing that next Monday morning and her reply was "no problem - your's is my easiest!". So, not sure why it's taking so long LOL.

  5. Rainy weather always makes aches and pains flare up even more. Hopefully your DH will start to feel better soon.
    I'd be feeling anxious about the raise, too. Who couldn't use extra money with the ever increasing cost of living.

    1. I hadn't thought about the change in weather affecting him. Could be! And yes I sure could use a little extra. The damn obamacare was way more than I budgeted for this year 😡
