Thursday, March 2, 2017

Pssst...SHUT UP already!

Do you ever just get really sick of someone? DH and I are active on Facebook. We like to use it for fun stuff and pictures. One of our friends connected back with us a few months ago, right before we moved. I think he must live on Facebook. We cannot make a post or a comment without him commenting - more than once! Every. Single. Post. he has to make comments and if one of our other friends comments (who he doesn't know) then he has to comment on their comment! He's very political and posts all day long, so most of the time I just have him "unfollowed". Luckily I don't mind his political views, but he posts so often, that I get tired of trying to scroll through all his posts to read my friends posts that I actually want to see.

DH has a friend, who he jokes back and forth with a lot, so they post on each other's walls with jokes and smart alec comments to each other. Every time this other friend posts on DH's wall, this guy has to make a comment on it - and he's not even friends with the person who posted on DH's wall.

It's gotten beyond annoying and like DH says - it's making Facebook not as fun. I told DH there is a way to make a post and restrict someone on your friends list from seeing it, but still remain friends. I just made a post and added him as a restricted friend, so he won't see it. Maybe we can have one post where it's "Mark" free. LOL.  DH might have to start using that once every few posts, just to get a break from him. Don't want to hurt his feelings. He's a nice guy, but geez - take a break once in awhile!


  1. Sounds like one of those types of friends who post EVERYTHING that they are doing, eating, etc. I agree. People like that are simply annoying!

    1. That's the weird part - he rarely posts anything personally about what he is doing (mostly just shares a bunch of political stuff) but has to comment on every single thing we do/say. I really don't care how much someone posts about themselves (I can skip over if it's too much) but to constantly be notified he's commented on our posts is beyond annoying. One of us will make a post and within a minute hear the "ding" notification and go "oh, there Mark" LOL

  2. I have the same trouble like yours sometime. I just click 'unfollow' and that shuts them up. LOL.
    If it gets really bad, just unfriend them. Nobody's worth getting annoyed over, right?

    1. I already have unfollowed his posts, but that doesn't stop him from seeing what we post, so unless I restrict him from seeing our posts (or unfriend him completely) we still have to deal with him commenting on every single post or comment we make on our own walls. I'm hoping he gets bored with our lives eventually, LOL

  3. Did you know that you can block him from just certain posts? So maybe he can see some things but not all? I do have to admit that I do that on my grand babies pics all the time and very quickly too! LOL Maybe I should take a few minutes or hours to put something there! LOL

    1. Yes, I did do that with a post I made the other day and it worked :) I've told DH that's probably what he'll need to do to give himself a break from the guy every so often

  4. Replies
    1. as I mentioned, he's is a very nice person and we like him, but don't want to hurt his feelings. Unfriending him wouldn't feel very nice to us. We've known him like 25 years.

  5. You described one of the reasons I am no longer on Facebook. It just adds noise to my life. Sure, it reconnected me with old friends/acquaintances, but if they need Facebook to stay in touch with me, are they really friends?

    1. I can certainly understand that, but for me, who hates to talk on the phone (so then I'm terrible about staying connected) Facebook has been a great outlet. DH has a couple of really good friends who have never done Facebook and they are good about keeping in touch on the phone with one and text with another
