Thursday, August 27, 2015

Same old stuff

DH did his little interview with the county tv show yesterday. DD ended up going with him instead of me, so I didn't get to see it. She said he did great. Everyone there taping it said he did great. DD got to sit in the control room, which she thought was pretty cool. It was only about a 10 minute segment where they asked DH a few questions and asked our councilman a few. I'm not sure when I will get to see it. They tape it, edit it, and at some point it airs.

One of the regular visitors to our drug houses - and he is the son of the drug house of the guy in the next neighborhood over (who is having same issue we are - with mostly the same people) was arrested Tuesday night for possession of a stolen car, possession of car theft tools and possession of drugs. He has been arrested numerous times, he has been through rehab at least twice. Yesterday he got released - no chargesfiled pending investigation! This is what we deal with for every arrest our deputies put their lives on the line for. I called our councilman last night to let him know. He said he is going to go talk to the prosecutor and find out what is going on. It's a joke. Our councilman said it reminds him of a cartoon he saved years ago.......a police car with a policeman putting a criminal in one door and a judge on the other side of the car pulling him out.

Tonight we are going to go over to the guys house in the next neighborhood over. He went and spoke at the council meeting last week and I watched it online. He seems a lot like my hubby - fed up and willing to put some effort into getting this cleaned up. Our councilman is working with him too. Fortunately for him, he only has one neighbor who is the problem and his other few neighbors aren't related to this guy (like our situation) so he has a bit of help in fighting this, where we are on our own.  The housing development that is being built next to us (it is basically in between us and this other guy) finally had to hire a security company because of the nightly thefts and apparently that has helped. This other guy said he and his neighbors are also paying for off duty deputies to come and watch their street. Very expensive and it kind of pisses me off that they have to do that - that is what our taxpayer money is going for - for our sheriff to protect us from criminals. I think they are wasting their money, really. These druggies and criminals know nothing is going to happen to them and if they do get arrested charges will be dropped and nothing happens to them anyway.

I have been having computer problems with my monitors since Tuesday. I worked from home and decided to ask our IT about why my computer seems to go into sleep mode during the night and won't come back on in the morning. He remoted into my computer and did some windows updates and all of a sudden I had one monitor working and the one that was had huge fonts. Then he spent the afternoon trying to fix that. Then he spent part of yesterday morning trying to fix it. Something to do with my video driver but all the updates he tried failed. So, I have to unplug and haul my computer into the office this morning, where I'm sure he'll fix it up.  I am so used to two monitors now. Trying to work with one monitor yesterday was like trying to work with one hand tied behind my back!

I charged my cell phone right before bed last night. It was at 100% and I unplugged the charger. Woke up to a completely dead phone! What the heck?! Always something.


  1. You are having a crap load of drama One!!! Your neighbors are a nightmare and I am sorry you have to deal! But it sounds like you guys are making progress! Xo

    1. I hope we are finally making some progress and not just spinning our wheels in bureaucratic crap. It's time for those higher up's in our local county government to start taking some responsibility for fixing this.

  2. I keep hoping your county will step up and do must be so frustrating for you all.

    1. it's been exhausting, that's for sure. I'm tired of the typical reply from law enforcement "well, it's in every neighborhood". That is not an acceptable answer to me. Breaking the law is breaking the law. DH's reply to it in your neighborhood, on your street? of course then they hem and haw.
