Sunday, August 16, 2015

A quiet day

I finally was able to log into blogger via FireFox and make replies to my own blog! For one day! I was trying to print some coupon or other and it popped up that I needed to accept cookies. I did some checking and my setting was to "Never". I changed it to always and printed the coupon and then while reading comments on my blog I saw I could now comment again. I've been having to sign in to Blogger via IE to make any comments on everyone else's blogs or reply to my own. WHAT A PAIN!
So then today it was back to where it doesn't work again. I looked at my FF settings and cookies was set back to Never. do I save this setting?

It's been a quiet weekend - here inside our little acre and at our drug dealing neighbors. DH has spent the day fiddling with the lighting on his "new" trailer. I go outside and check on him every so often, but for the most part it's been pure quiet here in the house. So nice. I chatted online with a friend in another state for awhile and gave her tips on couponing.

It appears the drug dealing kids haven't been home for a few days, which probably explains why no traffic. About this time last year they went and spent a week with their grandma or something like that, so that's probably what is going on. (though of course we are hoping they are gone for good - wouldn't that be the best?!). Our councilman stopped by again Friday afternoon and picked up the thumb drive DH made with a bunch of the video of what we live with on our little street on a daily basis. He had been driving down behind us and asked DH who's the tan pick up at the other drug dealer's house (behind us) and DH said oh, that's their oldest son. He's got a warrant out for his arrest from Failure to Appear for his sentencing (for numerous counts of theft, an assault, and drug paraphernalia from last February). Was it a coincidence that he got arrested Friday night and is back in jail?!

Also, Thursday morning the sheriff apparently made a bust/arrests on another drug house (about 5 miles from us) that councilman has been working on. Let's hope we are next on the list of busts!

Dinners this weekend have been fairly easy. Friday night was a Bertolli frozen Chicken Marsala and Potatoes meal you heat up in the skillet. This is DH's new favorite. I was happy to see Target has a special on these this week: buy 3 get one free, as well as I was able to print out 4 $1.50 off each coupons and that will make for a great deal on them.  Last night was home made pizza. I used to make it like once a week, but now it's been more like once a month and the pizza sauce doesn't keep that long. I finally got smart and froze the rest. Plus, I have some pizza leftover for work lunches. Tonight DD and her boyfriend are here, so I just made easy tacos. Taco's aren't my favorite, but they are easy to make when there is more than just me and DH for dinner.

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