Saturday, August 1, 2015

Revisiting an old memory

DD and I had a fun evening at the horse races last night. She has never been before and it's something we've been wanting to do since last summer. It was still 95 degrees when we got there at 6:30 but thankfully the sun was behind the grandstands and we were at least in shade.

I have so many fun memories of going to the horse races with my family (and especially my dad) growing up. We lived near the track and it was a favorite thing of my dad to go do. Kids always get in free and I can remember all of us going, even my grandparents. I can remember several Mother's Day spent there. I'd give my mom or dad my $2 to bet for me, after picking out a horse. My dad taught me now to read the race program (he would buy the big program that looked like a newspaper) and how to read the race history of each horse. Back in the day, I can remember him on occasion getting home from work early on a weekday afternoon and we'd head over to the track (a 10 minute drive) and spend the afternoon, just him and me. One of my favorite last memories, before he passed, was he and I going to the race track while I was visiting them in Arizona one winter.

DD loved it. We didn't bet much. Usually just the minimum $2 bet along with a $1 bet on the exacta, which DD won one race - a whole $8.10 :-).  We took some sandwiches, crackers and drinks in a little cooler. I was going to park in general admission but it seriously was a VERY long walk, so I said forget that - we're paying the $7 for close parking! I wasn't walking that far in 95 degrees and then out that far at 10pm at night. $7 each to get in. DD came out ahead $3.70 and I lost $16. Can't beat that for an evening of fun.

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