Monday, August 3, 2015

Councilman follow up

Ya'll are probably as sick of hearing about my neighbors as I am of living next to them. But, there finally seems to be a tiny ray of hope for us. I'm about to get my hopes up. Our councilman called again this morning. Wanted to see how the weekend went and had more questions for DH. DH told him there were 2 patrols through over the weekend and that helped a little bit. Councilman still feels the sheriff department is not doing their job. He did speak with someone from the sheriff and they told him they are watching the renters now. He also said he can't believe the condition of the 3 properties that our neighbor owns (as well as a few other neighbors in the area.) The properties of slumlord are full of overgrown grassy weeds 3 to 4 feet tall. The one guy that lives in back room of the original single wide trailer (that slumlord and his family originally lived in when we first moved here), on slumlords main property, can barely even get to the steps to his door, with all the overgrown weeds, LOL. Councilman says he doesn't have to have lawn or landscaping, but he also isn't allowed to have weeds growing all over like that. He's still going to work on getting code violations with that, the containers, and the un-permitted rv's that people live in.
He also said he is going on a ride-along with a deputy soon. Councilman's words to DH: we are going to fix this problem and we are going to fix it BIG!  Let's hope so and let's hope it's SOON! and maybe if slumlord starts seeing patrol cars around all the time it will give him even more incentive to get those renters to move out (like he said he is trying to do).

In other neighborhood news....when DD and I were pulling out Friday there was a work truck at the vacant/foreclosed house around the corner. Someone was up on the roof fixing where there has been a blue tarp covering about 1/3 of the roof for about the past year. Hmm...why would the bank bother fixing that to just let the house sit and rot? Then at lunchtime today we went to the store and there was a big truck with the whole back end filled, basically with garbage. Looked like a lot of boards, etc. The big door to the garage was open and it appeared they were in there cleaning out the house. Could it be that the bank is FINALLY going to get this house on the market?! I can't even imagine being in that house to clean up! Deputies that have been inside say it is filled with garbage, needles and even human feces. Can I hope and pray that it's finally going to be sold and someone living it? will it be too much to hope and pray it's not turned into a rental house and whoever lives in it are good decent people? It was such a nice rambler with a nice yard at one time. The first family that owned it for years and years were very nice and so were the last family that lived there.


  1. that does indeed sound quite hopeful. Lets hope he follows through.

  2. Perhaps the bank already sold it and these are the folks(or hired by)that bought it? Banks aren't likely to spend money to unload a foreclosure.....the areas I've seen them it's pretty much "as is", "what you see is what you get".

    1. that's what I was thinking/wondering too. I figured if they did sell it would just go to foreclosed auction as is. So far, all these 2 years the bank hasn't even legally foreclosed, it's still in the last owners name, according to county records.

  3. Banks in my area do spend the money to clean up the property prior to selling it. The problem is that the foreclosure process can take years depending on state laws.
