Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Extra pay

I was emailing with my side job boss, answering a question she had on how to handle something and if she could do it a certain way (accounting wise). I told her that's probably not the best practice and I would do it such and such way, especially to make sure they have everything recorded in case of an audit down the road. She replied back "ok, that's why you are paid the big bucks" LOL. I replied back, speaking of pay, now that I'm working less hours for them, I've just been keeping track of my hours for February (I have always been paid a flat monthly fee) and to just compensate me based on that or however they want to do it, is fine with me. She replied back that she wants to pay me my full month fee for February and then start the hourly pay in March. I said that works for me! Which is a nice surprise I was not expecting and had only put a much smaller amount in my budget for getting paid today. 

We've gotten a bunch of snow since early this morning. Dh thought it was slowing down, went out and shoveled, came back in for a bit and then it started dumping again, LOL, and almost as much as he just shoveled off. But, his new snow plow makes such a quick job of it. He's already done with our driveway and the street out in front. 

It looks like my regular job boss is getting close to posting the job for my assistant. Yay! She had me review the job posting yesterday, so I take it as she's getting close to posting it. I was kind of hoping maybe she would get our receptionist to take the job, but from what she has told me before, she's tried to get her to take other jobs as they've come up over the years, but she's always just happy to stay doing what she's doing. But, whoever gets the job, it will be so helpful to me.

It seems like it's taking me forever to get this post finished today.  I guess there's not too much going on, other than I am happy to have the extra income I was not expecting this month.


  1. It sounds like the job and changes are moving along. That is great you get a bit more salary than you expected. We are inundated with spring pollen, not snow.

    1. I guess that's the one thing we can always count on is change, haha.

  2. Anne Brew

    It’s always nice when an unexpected money present drops your way - your side job boss is showing her appreciation. And good to know you’ll soon have an assistant - will you get to meet up sometime?
    No snow here in the middle of the UK. We do sometimes get a freeze in March so it’s best not to put delicate plants outside yet - the daffodils are peeping out though. x

    1. Definitely will meet the new hire via Zoom and then probably not until our mid year company meeting/event.

  3. You must be a valued employee because your employers certainly seem to treat you well! Good for you!
