Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Getting back to regular life

The bonus room carpet is installed and looks really nice. Now to furnish it......LOL. That might take another 3 1/2 years, LOL.

On Saturday we drove down to dh's friend (rich guy with a ranch LOL) to pick up that hutch he had for sale. We ended up visiting with them for at least a couple of hours. His wife is so nice and easy to chat with. The guys were out looking at man stuff and she showed us around her home and the outbuildings. The horse barn is amazing. Friend made an amazing man cave in the back of one of his shops and did all the decor decisions himself. It was really nice. They moved to this ranch last spring and are used to living in 9 and 10k sf homes and this one is 2600, so it sounds like they are just going to tear it down and build a bigger house. She said this one is too small, LOL. Turns out he was selling the hutch for a neighbor lady. It's ok, has some scratches and apparently got damaged a bit when they moved it to friends shop, so I think $200 was more fair then the $350.  But, it looks nice in dh's den and he was able to get his collection of stuff out to display. I just let him do it ;)

I am going to get him a chair to sit to the left of the cabinet. I think I found a nice navy blue barrel accent type chair to go there. Google Lens is my new favorite thing to use. I found the chair I liked on Wayfair but it was like $350. I saved the image and then put it in Google Lens. It brought up about 20 of the same chair with prices. It was also available on Amazon, Walmart, Home Depot, etc. Who knew Amazon had it from many different sellers at different prices. I looked through the prices and found it for $199. Some places online had it for over $400. Same chair. I think the navy blue will look nice in that small den and blue is his favorite color, too. Originally, I found this chair when I was looking for 2 chairs for the bonus room. It comes in many fabrics and I was thinking of the rustic leather look for the bonus room and then saw it also came in navy blue. This way I can see if I like the chair for his den before I buy the brown ones for the bonus room.

Today's phone calls/to-do's are to call the doctor's office and get mom set up with the doctor the memory care place uses. A call to memory care to see if they can hook up mom's telephone for me, now that I think I understand how the modem needs to be plugged in. I also need to get the cat scheduled for his annual vet check up. I'm sure there is something else I need to do, but I can't remember right now.

DD has a coworker (like my age) who went through dementia with her mom, who recently passed. She gave dd several books she had about the disease and dd brought them to me. I read one last night, by an author who had both parents with it, but this story was mostly about her mom. Her mom was so much like my mom is, though her mom still had old memories they could talk about, which my mom does not. One funny part was her mom looked in the mirror one day and said "I look like the wreck of the Hesperus". The author had never heard that saying, but I remember my mom saying it many times when I was growing up. 

I tried to send 2 of my cousins facbook messages to let them know I put mom in memory care. The one cousin is my mom's older brother's daughter. I said I just want to let her and Aunt J (her mom, who is mid 80's now) know that I put mom in memory care now. She read the message 2 days ago and no reply. Geez, you'd think she could say ok, thanks for the update, at least. Then yesterday I tried to send my cousin, who is a cousin through my step/adopted dad. She always sends a Christmas card to me and adds my mom to it, since I moved my mom here. I thought she might also like to know, but when I hit send the message just disappeared and it doesn't appear she got it. I guess I'll try again today, one more time.

And speaking of the friends we visited on Saturday...she mentioned they started taking the "Super Beets" supplement. Her, her dh and her 95 year old dad who lives with them. She said all 3 of them feel better and her dh and dad's blood pressure is now normal after being on it. I told her I've seen those ads and wondered if it was any good. I might try those myself.


  1. Your bonus room looks just lovely. And what fun it'll be getting it furnished. It's odd that you mention superbeets (I'd never heard of them), but for the last few weeks I've been drinking organic beetroot juice and if you can find one that doesn't taste like it's got a kilo of dirt in it, it's actually very nice!

    1. this "superbeets" is supposed to be a powder mixed with water, but with a blackberry flavor or something like that.

  2. The room looks great. Nice and bright. I also love the china cabinet. They practically give them away around here. No one wants them. I have 2, one in the DR and one in the LR. The one in the LR was pieced back together from what I can only assume to be the result of falling off the covered wagon while moving cross country. LOL No one would be interested in it today, but I love it and it is well over 100 years old. I was thinking that the other one was newer, which comparatively, it would be, as it was bought in the late 80's, so I guess it's considered vintage. (my age just took a hit when I typed that) My mom used to refer to the wreck of the Hesperus all the time, but it usually was directed at someone else, not herself. (strangers, neighbors, church ladies, me) How she would know anything about a poem written in the 1800's about a shipwreck, is beyond me. I don't think she read more than 1 or 2 books, for fun, in her lifetime. I'm glad the china cabinet found a home with you. Ranee (MN)

    1. the author of the book found out it's from an old poem but apparently was also used in some old tv show back in the day, somehow it became a common thing for them to say. I had forgotten the saying until I read that in the book.

  3. Love that you are using Google Lens, I haven't even used it on my phone yet. I love the carpet!!

  4. What a lovely big room and now you've carpeted it it could be used for anything - ( airbnb maybe? )
    It's so annoying when someone close doesn't respond to an email or FB message. I'm trying to respond to a query from my cousin but she's given me three email addresses and isn't responding to any of them!

    1. Our covenants won't allow us to have an airbnb or operate a business :) Plus I'd hate having strangers in my house LOL. We're just going to make it a tv/game room.

    2. I'm like that! We live near a theatre and a few local people rent out rooms for visiting actors. I fleetingly thought about it but I'd rather not bump into a stranger on the landing in my dressing gown!
