Friday, February 17, 2023

Canceling stuff

I canceled the SiriusXM subscription I had bee paying for the last 5 months or so. When we bought our new car it came with 6 months free. Then I went to cancel it (because I wasn't paying $20 a month or whatever it was) and they offered it for $10/mo, so I agreed. It was late summer and I was driving more and liked listening to the comedy channels. Well, seriously, with winter and dh thinking I can't drive in snow or he thinks there's ice, so he drives and he never turns it on. So, I figured no sense in continuing to spend $10.91 a month. I put the app on my phone and computer, but never use it there either. I can't concentrate on listening to talking when I am working. 

Then just now I remembered we have AAA and I canceled that. I got it about a year and a half ago when we took that trip to Texas in dh's old pickup. With the new car I don't think we need it now, so I logged in and unchecked the "auto renew" box. We'll still have it thru mid June. That will save $95/yr. 

As I was deleting the app for SiriusXM from my phone I realized there are also several other apps ok to delete now, all related to my mom. Hero, Blink, Lifelock, and the app to check into her apartment building for Covid. Her new place doesn't use this extensive check in like her other place did, thankfully. I don't have to go through the screen answering the same questions each visit, nor do I have to then get my temperature checked. I just have to sign a guest log that is out on a table outside the locked door with the keypad to enter the code to get inside. There are actually 2 locked doors. The exterior door gets me inside the hallway/entrance to memory care and the sign in table is there and then I have to enter in another code to get inside the interior door.

And speaking of Texas I got a text last night from the wife half of our friends, asking how it was going with my mom in memory care. That was nice of her to check in and she also said they are still planning to come Memorial Day weekend again. I said I was just thinking of that the other day and how Memorial Day will be here before we know it. I am glad they are coming again. They weren't lying, I guess, when they said this is now their annual trip, LOL.  I think it will be a busy month around then. DD said they are coming over for Mother's Day weekend, and then again in June around Father's Day/dh's birthday.

That should give us some incentive to at least find a pool table for the bonus room, as that would be really fun to have with guests here. I know dh is watching Marketplace and Craigslist. He asked me what my "style" was for a pool reply was "cheap" LOL.

My mom's computer is one of those Lenovo "all in one" types. I asked dd if they wanted it and they don't. I guess I'll just put it in a closet for now. DH seems to crash computers every 2-3 years, so this can be a back up for when he does that next time.

I see on today's activities for mom's memory care place is a "scenic drive/outing" after lunch. I'm sure she will enjoy that and looks like they do that every Friday at 1pm. That's probably why it seemed to quiet last Friday (at 1:30) because a lot of the residents weren't there and that's probably why the staff was doing their meeting when we got there.

I think we'll go in on Sunday to see her again and pick up another load of groceries. Then we have to go in again next Friday to take the cat to the vet, so I'll stop in and see her then, too. With the vet appt being at 10am, I should be able to visit with her a bit before she has lunch. It doesn't seem to matter what time I visit her....the constant thing she will say is "oh, what should I do for you for lunch (or dinner)"? I am constantly saying oh, we just had lunch before we came or, if she's mentioning dinner, I have to say well, dinner isn't for several more hours. Over and over.

I can already tell this weekend is going to go by too fast.


  1. I signed up for ESPN+ at the beginning of basketball season because there were a few early games that weren't on traditional TV channels. I meant to take the free trial only, but obviously forgot. That was around $10 per month I didn't need to spend. Even if I need to sign up again next year, I'd rather do one month of $10 than a whole year.

    I'm glad your mom is doing well.

    1. That's what I do with most streaming, just do it for a month or the free trial period. I put the cancel date as a reminder on my work calendar and so far do pretty well canceling stuff in time with that method.

  2. We use to have a pool table at our old house. My husband's friend gave it to us when he went overseas. We gave it to our neighbors when we moved. It was really old by then & not worth moving but we both miss it. It's just a nice thing to have.
    I know your dh will find a decent one & hopefully cheap. lol
    That's the only type I would buy.
    It's great that your mom seems to be adjusting just fine. I know that has to be such a relief for you.

    1. I think we'd really enjoy having a pool table, even for just the 2 of us and it's something even one person can do.

  3. If you tell Sirius that you can't afford their service anymore, they will keep dropping the price. We call to tell them to cancel every year and they always make another offer. I think we're paying about $14/month for two cars right now. But I'm sure I'll have to do that dance again next year. ;-)

    1. After my 6 mo free trial was up last August I went to cancel it and they lowered it to $10

  4. I pay $5.00/month for Sirius. Just keep saying no and they'll offer it to you.

    1. They did offer me $5 but I just wanted to cancel. I can't even see paying $5 a month for something so rarely used and with less side job income now, it's a cost that can easily go.

  5. At least you can be sure the place is secure so she cannot wander.
    The mc seems to have cute/enticing names for their activities. It is good you can be secure in the fact she enjoys these or at least not complaining about all they want her to do as she did before. The workers probably are experts in cajoling the people living there.

    1. yes, it's very secure, but very large inside that they have lots of room to "wander"

  6. The memory care unit is sounding very good at the moment.
    An outing is such a nice idea.
    As my mother-in-law's mental capacity deteriorated she stopped wanting to go out, not even with us into the garden! But that was ok - there was no pressure for her to do so. I'm sure your mother's new home will be the same.

    1. I'm sure she'll do less and less as time goes on. I was just reading this book of one woman's account of her mom's dementia and it seemed like she was always pressuring her mom to do stuff, like go outside into the garden, when her mom clearly didn't want to.
