Friday, February 10, 2023

So glad it's Friday

I am so glad it's Friday. One week under our belt with mom in memory care. Yesterday she seemed better, I'd say. I called into the nurses desk around 10am and she said mom wasn't so bad Wednesday, she only asked to call her mom a couple of times and this morning (so yesterday) she seemed to want to sleep in, so they were letting her sleep and saved a breakfast plate for her when she got up. Around 11am mom had one of the staff help her dial me from her phone in her room, but she seemed a little better than Tuesday. She never said anything like "I'm ready to leave here". She just made a couple of comments like "I wonder how long I'll be staying here". Then mom called me again on her own around 1:40 in the afternoon and she was in a good mood and seemed pretty happy. Again, nothing like "I'm ready to leave" just "I'm not sure how long I have to stay here, but they are nice here" type of comments 2 or 3 times. I told her about the ice cream social starting soon. We are going to go see her tomorrow sometime. 

I did get a hold of the new doctor's office and set her up to be seen by the geriatrician who comes into the facility to see the residents. It sounds like the doctor is in there every Tuesday. The first opening was March 7, so I will go in for that visit, of course. I emailed her old doctor office and they emailed me a records release form to fill out and sign so they can send over her records to the new doctor.

I need to return the medication dispenser I had been using for mom. They want it returned in their packaging and mom threw that out, after I had tried to store it in her closet back when I got her the dispenser. They sent me a new box to return it in and it supposedly was delivered this morning at 9:10 at our gate (per our delivery instructions). I got the email notification it delivered and within 10 or 15 minutes dh went out to get the package and no package anywhere. The email has a picture "proof of delivery" attached and it's completely worthless! I have looked at these pics before and they will take the picture and you can see the package sitting in front of our gate. This picture is just a close up of the label on the box. Sure, that shows me where you left it. We checked w/neighbors too, as dh had seen them stop at their house. So, now I've reported it as not received. 

Short post today - gotta get payroll done :)


  1. That's a good report of the last couple of days. It's an adjustment for sure.
    I'm sure she was happy to sleep in. lol :)

  2. Maybe she will forget about how long she will have to stay. That is nice she can choose to sleep in.
    Did you tell the picture was useless? Hope you find it or get another.

  3. After all the decluttering you did on her behalf she ended up throwing out the package for the medical dispenser you particularly wanted to keep!
