Saturday, February 18, 2023

Busy Friday

Change of plans yesterday. After I submitted my Walmart order for pickup Sunday, dh asked if we could go in later yesterday afternoon or evening to pick it up. They were predicting snow for the weekend. I got back online to see if any pickup slots were available and it said there were starting at 4pm. I walked back down to discuss (like 1 minute) with him the best time to choose. I decided on the 4-5pm and would quit work a little early. Got back up to my desk and the screen refreshed and then only starting at 6pm was available, so I went with that time. I was kind of annoyed to have to go then, I'll be tired after working all day, but then the more I thought about it, it sounded better. This way I'll now have the whole weekend to myself and not have to spend half a day in the city on Sunday.

Mom's dinner is from 4:30-6, but I figured she's probably done eating by 5:30 so we stopped at her place first to visit. I really did not want to do an evening visit with I knew it would just be a visit dealing with sundowning and even more confusion than usual, but oh well. When we got there it looked like most people had finished up with dinner or were eating dessert. She was standing next to a table and saw us walking towards her and got a surprised look on her face and appeared to recognize us and said "oh good! you're here, cuz I'm ready to get out of this place!". Oh great......

So for most of the 30 min visit she flipped flopped between saying she was ready to leave, or going to leave soon, or it's a nice place, I can't complain. She thinks she works there and at one point I think she even thought dh and I were her parents. Every time she'd mention leaving I'd either just ignore her or change the subject, though one time we asked what was wrong that she wanted to leave. She couldn't tell us anything. And, she obviously did not get a haircut on Tuesday, like I thought she was! So, no idea what happened there - if she turned the hairdresser down, or what. I'll have to call the hairdresser back next week and see. That was disappointing, too. We both tried to think of new things to talk with her about, showed her some pictures on our phones, but it's so hard. She will just ask or say the same things over and over. When I went to use the restroom dh asked her if she went on the drive/outing and she said she didn't think so, but she wouldn't remember. She couldn't remember what she just had for dinner 10 minutes earlier. My next visit probably won't be until next Friday, later morning, when I will stop in after taking the cat to his vet appointment. I'm sure at that time of day she will be better.

We got our groceries picked up, but as dh was reorganizing the bags and stuff a bit he says "you only got one case of Mountain Dew?" I said no, there should be 2. I looked at the order on my phone and it was for 2, so then I had to go back inside, wait in line at customer service to get credited and then walk halfway back thru the store to get another case. Since dh drinks at least a couple cans a day, 1 case would not last us until my next order in a couple of weeks. At least I didn't have to make dinner last night - we stopped at Wendy's drive thru and ate on the way home, both of us hungry as it was almost 7pm by the time we got through the line and got our food.

And neighbors DIL and 4 grandkids arrived Thursday night. Oh joy. Just as we were pulling out of our garage to leave yesterday we see the mom getting out scooters from their truck for the boys. When we leave dh always waits outside out automatic gate to make sure it closes (we've had issues before) and he knows it fully closed. We get home and it's partially pushed in. What the heck? Well....dh had moved the game camera back out front and though it wasn't pointed at our gate it was showing out in the street, in front of our fence. The camera shows the kids riding back and forth and the mom walking back and forth (of course on her phone the whole time, as usual) and the their 2 dogs. I said to dh I know exactly what or both of the dogs either went under the gate or around the gate piers, onto our property. The mom wanted to get them to come back out, so instead of just walking thru the openings at each pier, she tried to push the gate open to get the dogs out. I'll bet anything that's what happened and since the gate is automatic/electric you can't just push it open, but you also CAN'T force it or you will break the mechanisms that keep it shut! God, those people are the most annoying EVER. I told dh put the camera facing the gate while they are here........

It's snowing now, this morning and supposed to continue for a few more hours.


  1. I am glad she recognized you when you arrived. There is a lot going on with her and nothing at all. She probably turned down the haircut!

    Those people will probably break your gate before it is over! Why can't they play at the end of their driveway? I would speak to the parents because I doubt talking with her will get through, that is if any speaking has to be done. Just think, these four boys have to grow up, such a long time of annoyance.

    1. You described my mom perfect - a lot going on and nothing at all at the same time :(. The neighbors have this nice long driveway with a wide area at the end in front of their garage to turn around, it's just as long as where they are riding out in front of our place. Dh is for sure now going to point the camera at the gate while they are here.

  2. You can do the refund on your phone. Just “start a return” and answer a couple questions and it will issue a refund. I’ve done it a couple times when I have gotten gross produce. With an actual return they don’t make you take it back to the store. In your situation obviously a refund is just issued. You still would have had to go in for the Mt Dew, but you could skip CS.


    1. that's what I should have done to at least save the time waiting in line to do that. Next time I'll know :)

  3. I'm thinking motion detector lights that blind them when any of them get close to the gate. Will scare the poop out of them.

  4. Anne Brew

    I wonder if your mother just says phrases she remembers without knowing their meaning any more? She’s moving into a different reality now, eg she works there or she’s your daughter. As long as she’s calm and reasonably content we probably can’t ask for more. It’s upsetting for you though.
    We used to be stuck for activities once my mother-in-law no longer watched tv or read or knitted. We brought a colouring book and pencils in once and all of us coloured in flowers etc with her doing some or just watching. It made us feel calmer anyway!

    1. My father did crossword puzzles until he was on morphine and unconscious. My sister said all the words were wrong. He had done crossword puzzles all my life.

    2. Anne, I think a lot of her conversation is just what she remembers, just the basic stuff. Nothing is personal anymore as she can't remember anything to ask me or tell me :(

      Linda - she always did crossword puzzles, and still has some books next to her chair (we brought some just for familiarity) but from watching her on the cameras that last 6 months I never saw her doing them anymore.

  5. What a PITA that DIL is - and how inconsiderate of other people!

    1. She has zero consideration, very entitled mentality
