Wednesday, February 15, 2023

I just want to watch tv

Mid week. This is a week that actually feels like it's going at a normal pace, neither fast or slow. It's also pay day.  Bills not on auto pay are now paid. I also adjusted my budget for what I put in savings, each paycheck, for annual/semi annual type of expenses as I realized I wasn't including annual vehicle tabs. I also see that mom's previous senior living place has now credited her the prorated part of the month of February they charged her for.

I tried to call mom twice yesterday - or maybe it was 3 tries, but she is never in her room, LOL. I will try again today. I still don't know if uncle has ever been able to catch her, since I told him her phone is now working again. I'll have to look on the phone log online and see. I have a feeling, though, if he did talk to her he would have texted me, either saying "she sounds good" or whatever vibe he was getting from her.

It's snowing again, but half the sky is blue with clouds, so I don't think it's going to be much snow. 

Well, I just got disconnected from my work and can't get back on. Guess that means it's time to go down to the kitchen and get my breakfast.

I can't figure out the Firestick I have connected to our tv. I usually turn the tv on after dinner and one day it will work fine and the next day it keeps freezing up or showing it's not connected to the internet. It's annoying and oftentimes very slow to respond. I know it's not our internet connection/speed because I can watch the same exact thing on my ipad or phone and it works with zero issues. For 3 nights in a row it was being a pain. Often it takes me like 5 minutes of rebooting to get it to work, then I'll get half way through the show and it freezes, so I just turn it off. Last night I turned it on and it all worked great. What the heck?! I'm not sure how long they last? I just looked it up and this one was purchased 2 1/2 years ago now. So, maybe it's just getting old and worn out and time for a new one. They are probably like any other tech gadget and only seems to last 2-3 years before having to be replaced. I guess I didn't realize it's already been 2 1/2 years with this current Firestick. If I get a new one, I don't remember if I have to then re-add all my apps and settings. If so, what a pain that is, too.


  1. Sometimes when mine glitches, I reset it and that usually helps.I have had mine 3 years, it's always been odd - but I definitely restart it a lot more than not, lol.

    1. sometimes I have to reset it 2 or 3 times for it to finally start working, then get to watch 20 or 30 min and it freezes again.

    2. oh sheesh that is annoying. I hope the network removal works. I typically restart from the settings menu on the firestick but hard to do if it isn't even opening!!

  2. According to google, Amazon Firesticks should last 6 to 8 years. They also claim that most problems can be fixed with various hacks or tricks. It shows how to reset it, as well. Maybe google your problem and see what results you get. Ranee

    1. I reset it constantly, constantly have to "restart" it by pressing and holding 2 buttons on the remote. I am going to try another fix I read last night to remove the network from the device and add it back. I definitely think they should last more than 2 or 3 years and have been considering trying some other type of device to see if I have better results.

  3. At least the glitches are in your firestick and not your mother, so to speak. I suppose if she is out of her room and occupied with activities, she is happy. Do they allow the cameras is her room?

    1. She seems very busy with activities. They do not allow cameras. Apparently there are only 9 states in the US that allow cameras in nursing homes, assisted living and memory care type facilities and mine isn't one of them.

  4. I was also having problems with the firestick/tv. Same as you, freezing, swirling and not working at all. Put in fresh batteries, nothing. Went into settings and checked that the internet was still connected, that was fine. This happened for a few days then it stopped working all together. I ended up a new ordering a new firestick and I received it a few days later. My granddaughter went and used the old firestick and it was working. (What's up with that??) I haven't set up the new firestick yet. Waiting to see if the old one stops working again.

    1. sounds just like my firestick. Now the past 2 days it's working fine.

  5. This post irritated me beyond words, and I'm not even the one who can't turn on my t.v. easily! I hate when technology makes things more difficult than it needs to be. I want to turn my set on, pick my show, and watch. You know I'm not AT ALL a "they're out to get us" kinda' gal, but I think you hit the nail on the head: It's built in obsolescence. There are a lot of disadvantages to dematerializing media (by that I mean movies, books, music, t.v. shows etc.) and all those disadvantages are for the consumer. This dematerialization of communication isn't designed for you to own it, only rent it, which yields a higher profit, and continuous income for the distributor. On the other hand, you only have to purchase, say, a DVD, or a book one time.

    1. Exactly, and I don't want to pay $100 or more a month to watch an hour or two of tv in the evening

  6. Did you say your mom's TV is a smart TV? Have you tried setting it up and watching from there instead? Honestly, best investment we made was smart TVs a couple of black Fridays ago. Goodbye Roku and Firesticks and everything else.

    1. it is a smart tv and is set up and working, but there is no furniture to sit on in the bonus room yet ;) But someday it will be a comfy place to watch tv and hopefully works well.
