Tuesday, February 14, 2023

It's still winter

Winter returned last night in the form of 2 or 3 inches of snow. I did not want to get up this morning, but the cat was being restless and making his little mewing noises, so I got up, made my cup of coffee, took it upstairs, fed the cat......and crawled into the bed in the guest bedroom next to my office. I only laid there about 20 minutes, but it was quiet (ie, no cat meowing and no dh snoring) and cozy, LOL. Now that it's lighter out, I can see it is still snowing lightly. Good - give dh a chance to use his plow again. He hasn't really had to use it since Christmas.

I have mom's accounts set up with my address, so at her old address she just got junk mail. I did a forwarding address just before I moved her, to her new address. But then I got to thinking - she doesn't need to get anything there, not even junk mail. I'm not even sure how they give people in m/c mail. I'm sure they probably do, but she doesn't have a mailbox with a key, like she did at her previous apartment. So, a couple days ago I went back online with USPS and changed it to have anything she gets forwarded here. I should have thought that through better the first time and did that, but oh well, it's only a week of potential junk mail going there.

ok, now it's at least 3 inches of snow out there. I hear Mr. Neighbor plowing with his quad and dh is up and getting ready to go outside and work on it, after he eats his breakfast.

My desk is a complete mess and I need to get it straightened up. I hate papers, but they seem inevitable, even with so much being paperless now.  

I have almost 4 dozen eggs stocked up now. Once they started laying good again, my fridge is getting full of them now :). We are going to have eggs for dinner tonight and use up several. This winter, I tried to have enough to get me through winter without having to buy some, but I ended up buying 3 dozen, which isn't too bad. It would have only been 2 dozen, but later fall, as I had several dozen I was trying to stockpile for winter, dh gave retired friend a dozen one day he was visiting, when I wasn't home, as he didn't know I was trying to stock up for winter. My plan now is to try to always have at least 4 dozen in the fridge, so going into next winter I should be pretty set. No giving away eggs unless I have 4 or 5 dozen stocked up first.

Still snowing and dh still hasn't gone out, LOL. I think he's waiting for it to stop, which it's supposed to in the next hour or so. No sense having it just snow on top of clearing it off and it's still coming down pretty good.

Oh ya, and it's Valentine's Day. Honestly, I have never cared about Valentine's Day, so it's a non- day around here, LOL. We just had our wedding anniversary and dh always gets me flowers for that. My friend who came an visited us last September, the one who's dh cheated on her, left her, never divorced, her then died, well, she met a guy a few months ago and it seemed to be going well, but then he just put the breaks on it all a couple weeks ago, so of course she's sad about that and sad she'll have another Valentine's Day alone and no one to share it with. The other day dh was saying something about if something happens to him and me moving on and getting a boyfriend...and I'm like NOPE! and he's like what?! why not? I said I don't want or need some 60 year old guy's baggage to deal with, LOL.  


  1. It is nice not to have to listen to snoring. Of course, Sometimes, I can hear Tommy who sleeps in his recliner at the other end of the house. I wonder what your mother thought about junk mail? Did it worry her or what.
    When you tell a guy you definitely will not have another man, sometimes he takes it as not being happy with any man, even him. But, I am sure you did not mean that. I wonder if your friend's bf did not want to celebrate V Day by giving her anything. If he comes back after this, I would kick him to the curb.

    1. I'm not really sure what she thought about the mail, other than I know in the last couple of years she could/would not throw any of it out. It just piled up and I'd have to grab it all every time I was there. I was thinking the same thing about friends boyfriend coming back to her after Valentine's Day.

  2. Sounds like the perfect day to relax (if only you didn't have work LOL) I feel for your friend but I hope she finds happiness in being with herself for a bit before dating again. Better that this current gentlement left before things got too serious. I can understand her lonliness though, poor heart.

    1. I feel bad for friend too. She kind of lives in small town, so hard to meet people, plus she works from home now too. She does have an adult daughter who is close by and she sees a lot, so I'm sure that helps and she has her church and friends.

  3. I'm divorced 11 years now and I still don't want some 60+ year old guy's baggage to deal with - well not to live with at least!!!! And well done on getting your mom's mail forwarded to you. Given her state of mind she might have started sending out checks to those "you just won $1 million people"!

    1. My mom hasn't had access to any checks in quite awhile, LOL. At least a year, but I think it was 2 years ago I took her checks and checkbook to "reconcile" it and never gave it back.

  4. Ha! I told my husband the same - if he dies, I will NEVER remarry. He's the only one for me. 25 yrs & he still makes me laugh every single day! He's just so much fun to live with! And he did get me a Valentine - a candy bar from Aldi with a post-it note on it saying "Happy Valentine's Day!" Took em 24 years to train him to be frugal! LOL

    1. The perfect Valentine's gift LOL. My dh walked up to me paying for the cookies I was buying for my mom last Saturday and set down a bag of Reeses cups and said here's your Valentine's Day candy. LOL. Works for me ;)

  5. Have you heard of water glassing eggs? That could be an option for egg storage for you.

    1. One of my local friends just did this and posted on Facebook. I'll have to look into it more.

  6. A friend of mine in her 50s started using Bumble, the online dating app for the over 50s. She got a guy in his late 80s who wanted a relationship because his wife has dementia. She was very gentle in telling him it wasn't what she was looking for but she says she still thinks of him and hopes he found happiness.

    1. I suppose one would have to weed through a lot of those types when using a dating site.
