Saturday, February 25, 2023

Sick Saturday

The cat isn't feeling well, a reaction from the 3 vaccines, I'm sure. He threw up around 10pm last night. I did not hear him at all during the night or at his usual 5:30 or 6am activities. I got up at 7, and usually, wherever he is, as soon as he hears me up, he's right there. I thought well, maybe dh put him upstairs in my office last night, so I first went up there, but the door was open. Where is he??! I found him in my closet. He likes to sleep there sometimes. There are a couple of bins in the corner with some clothes and sweatshirts on top and it's comfy and dark in there. I gave him some pets, but he didn't want to get up and he's still there. Poor kitty.

I've got my MTurks on and trying to find hits. So far I've only gotten one, but it was $1.50 for just a few minutes of time. I'm going to try for $5 for a weekend day. I have the payments set up to transfer to my bank account every 3 days and this morning it just transferred $38.

I had gotten a free 90 day subscription to Walmart+ from about Nov through January. It was kind of nice to not have to meet the $35 minimum order for free shipping, but I did not renew it. And here I sit the past 2 days trying to get to a $35 order LOL. I started out needing to order dh's deodorant. So, I picked a 6 pack that will last quite awhile, then I added some toothpaste for me, then some pistachios. Then some stevia packets. And I'm still short a couple of dollars. This is when I usually find something, but then 2 days after I do that, something will come up that I realize we need and I have to start over again with trying to do $35. Dh has enough deodorant for awhile, so I'm just going to leave it all in the cart until I actually need whatever comes up next. But, it's annoying, LOL. But, it's not worth the $98 a year, to me. If I lived where they would deliver to me, I'd probably be all over it.

Since I saw mom yesterday I'm not driving into the city again this weekend. I need to do some bedding washing and mopping. It's a nice sunny day and the temps are back up to normal and supposed to be around 40 today.

Hopefully the cat feels better soon.


  1. Sorry about your cat. We took our pup for her check up and they did the same thing except it was one shot. Well by the time we got home her poor little face was starting to swell and then she started to get sick. It was so bad that we called the vet right away and they pretty much told us it was pretty standard that this is what happened . And she was only 10 lbs so maybe too much of the shot. WTFrick... this was our dog and they brushed us off. She was ok 2 days later but it was scary. I hope your kitty does Ok.
    Don't do the Walmart subscription ! I had the same thing, free for 90 days. When it was up I went to cancel it and one day prior they decided to charge my card on file. And the second one! What a mess. Finally they reversed everything and now I don't keep a card on file anywhere. A pain in the butt but that is a chance I just don't want to take anymore. Good luck!

    1. oh your poor pup. Our cat is doing better now and up and about. I always try to set myself reminders the week before the subscription is up so I'm not pushing it and they charge me, but I have forgotten a couple times, especially when it's one of dh's subscriptions.

  2. With Amazon, I don't have a minimum, thankfully. And, I know about $7 is coming out monthly. I will never cancel
    I never heard of cats and dogs getting reactions to shots. That would be scary to me. I hope he is not throwing up in your closet.

    1. I mostly order from Amazon, but some things are still cheaper at Walmart. It's common for cats and dogs to feel lethargic for a day after their shots. He didn't throw up in the closet, thankfully.

  3. Poor kitty. Good thing this is only a yearly thing. With Stevia, I found it is much cheaper to buy it in a bag ~ much like you would if using it for baking. I keep a small amt in a container. A 1/4 teaspoon is equal to one packet.

    1. Good idea on the stevia - I'm sure it's cheaper that way, too.
