Saturday, February 11, 2023

A good day

DH and I went and visited my mom today. I have to say I was feeling some trepidation with the visit, even though the last couple of phone calls had been good. I was expecting to spend our visit having to explain why she is there or how long she will have to be there. BUT, she is doing really good!! She was in good spirits and seemed content and happy. No questions or mentions of staying there and no mentions of needing to call her mom. We had stopped at Walgreens before and I picked up up a bag of Pepperidge Farm cookies. 

We were sitting in the "lounge" area with sofas and chairs and a tv, visiting with her. Occasionally another resident would walk by and wave or say hi. To one of them she said this is my daughter and her husband visiting. The lady seemed a bit more like mom with being talkative, but apparently she had some memory because she said "we enjoyed watching your mom dance to the music last night". I said yes, she loves to dance. Then dh said to my mom "hey, I thought you told me you haven't been doing any partying here?! LOL" The other lady giggled and said "oops, sorry (to my mom)" We all had a good laugh.

We stayed about 40 minutes and the only issue we had was when trying to leave. She wanted to walk us outside to say goodbye and of course she can't go past the locked door. We had to pretend something was wrong with the door and I ran off to grab one of the aides and he quickly diverted her to join in on their little group activity and all was good.  I felt so much relief after leaving there today. Uncle was also very happy to hear how she was doing and said I made his day.

FedEx delivered the missing package of the box for me to return mom's medicine dispenser so I got that packaged up. Looking online I saw that Walgreens took FedEx packages so that worked good to drop it there while I was buying the cookies. Then we stopped at the cable/telephone store and I dropped of the unneeded equipment from her old apartment, so now that is taken care of, too.

Dh and I stopped at Dairy Queen on the way home and treated ourselves to Peanut Buster Parfaits. After we got home I got the clean sheet put back on our bed. Then I took a nap. It's been like 3 weekend since I've been able to have a nap. Two weeks ago I was at dd's. Last weekend was moving mom and dd here. I needed a nap.

We weren't super hungry for dinner but dh thought that baked chicken from the town's store deli sounded good so we drove into town around 5:30 and got that to bring home for dinner. Now, I think I'll go watch some more episodes of Designated Survivor on my ipad.


  1. Oh I’m so glad you had such a nice visit. It much really have given you some relief. It does sound like a nice place, dances and kindly redirecting her when you left. Jre

  2. So glad to hear she is settling in nicely. Sounds like you had a very productive day. I haven’t had a Peanut Buster Parfait in years and years! So jealous! 😁

    1. I probably sure didn't need a PB Parfait, LOL, but it sure was a nice treat. It's probably a good thing DQ is almost 50 miles from my home ;)

  3. Fantastic!!
    I'm so glad to read this. It sounds like she is adjusting nicely. She probably will have off days now & then but it's good to know she's where she belongs & is safe. :) :) :)

    1. I'm hoping she has more good days at this place than her previous place, where it must have been getting hard for her (even though she didn't realize it) trying to remember what she needed to do and navigate her apartment on her own

  4. It is a great relief to hear she is not still wanting to back "home" still. It sounds like you are working it just right instead of denying her the right to go out. So, your mother was dancing?
    What is this about a sheet?

    1. apparently if there is music, mom is dancing LOL. I also heard this often at her previous place, if someone was playing the piano there.. I meant to type "sheets" I put clean sheets and pillowcases on the bed

  5. That is such good news. Like Monica says she will have her off days but the unit is sounding better and better.
    I would love to go to an ice cream social! x

    1. I hope yesterday was a good sign of how it will be for her there going forward.

  6. I am so glad she is doing better! Joyce

  7. I am so glad you guys had a good day, happy for your mama - I love me some music too haha!
