Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Busy week

It's a busy week. Yesterday I was trying to finish up my side job year end stuff. I had told them I hoped to have it by the end of the day, but I ended up finishing it up first thing this morning. Then this morning I got a text from the carpet guy the installers are loading up their trailer and on their way here. They just got here and said they should have no problem getting it all done today. Then somehow this morning dh got a pinched nerve really bad in his neck. He can hardly move and is in lots of pain. He ended up taking a couple of the old pain pills left over from when he had his gall bladder removed.

I had a call from my boss yesterday and finally, they have decided to hire an accounting assistant to help me out. The company president is wanting some more in depth reports and breaking out our two offices and boss told him there is no more workload either she or I (mostly me) can take on. I'm already overloaded and behind. This will be really good to have some extra help, finally. We're just going to be looking to hire more of an entry level/clerical type position, no full accounting background/degree needed. Mostly just for this person to take on my time consuming, easier tasks. We're going to work on a job description next week, as she knows I'm kind of brain dead this week with dealing with my mom's move.

We pick dd up from the airport at 6pm tomorrow. I put in a Walmart grocery order to pick up before we get her. I just got the $60 rewards back from my ipad purchase, so I opted for a Walmart gift card and just applied that to my grocery order total. A nice reduction. Hopefully the roads are better by tomorrow and won't need dh to drive us for the moving day activities (he thinks he needs to drive us). It's warming up today to 36, then 40 the next 2 days. The roads should be completely fine and dh can just stay home. I told him I don't want to have to deal with him needing to find a bathroom every 20 minutes, nor another person telling me how I should do things, LOL.

Then the lady in charge of the moving just called to confirm we are set for Friday move. Then at the end of the conversation she says "ok, we'll see you tomorrow". I'm like wait! did she just say tomorrow? I called her back and she said oops she's off a day, it's Friday, she was thinking tomorrow is Friday.


  1. Anne Brew
    You’re all set. Best of luck. x

  2. I wonder what happened to his neck? It sounds like you have got it all together now.

  3. When I was working from home all the time b/c of the rona, it was hard for me to remember what day of the week it was. They all just went together.

    I hope his neck is better today!

  4. I hope dh is feeling better. One more day...sad, but necessary.

  5. I'm glad you're finally getting some help at work - and it sounds like a lovely job for a young person just starting out!

  6. Wishing you luck today! Glad you are getting help at work indeed!!

  7. I am hoping the pinched nerve was just that and nothing worse. I worried about that.
