Monday, February 20, 2023

Scheduling (and rescheduling) appointments

I texted the hairdresser that goes into the memory care place weekly, and she said my mom did decline the haircut, but she will try again tomorrow. I said please do and that when I had a caregiver coming into help her with things at her previous place we discovered that what works best with her is to just tell her "it's time for...." and she is agreeable. If you ask her she will say no. I also said it also often worked for them to say "well, your daughter said you need to do....." Hopefully that will work tomorrow. Otherwise I'm going to have to make a trip in there on a Tuesday and be there to make sure it gets done.

I have 4 appointments coming up in the next few weeks. None of which I can schedule on weekends, so missing work time it will have to be. Friday is the cat's vet appointment.  March 7 is mom's dr appointment with the geriatrician who house calls at her memory care place, to get established and March 16 is my appointment to get established with new doctor, since I had to change. I also need to schedule a mammogram and ideally wanted to schedule it just before my dr appt (it's at the same place) but she said they don't have the tech in that week, so I scheduled that for 3/7, an hour and a half after mom's appointment, so I should be done in time to go the few blocks over to the mammogram office. 

I have the pork roast and veggies in the crockpot and it's starting to smell good. I'm going to give some bread making a try in about a half hour. It takes 3 hours and 20 min to bake in the bread machine, so I'll time it for around 5pm. The recipe calls for "bread" flour recommended, but I only have regular flour, but we'll see how it turns out. I just remember between the crockpot roast and the bread baking, the smell will be so good in a few hours :) Even if the bread doesn't turn out, LOL.

The snow storm is supposed to start coming in this evening. We'll see. It'll probably end up nothing. Right now it's 40 and melting. It just sounds like constant water running in the gutters below my upstairs window.




  1. Omg, you're going to need a day off after that slew of appointments. I got tired just reading them all! As for your mom's haircut, I cannot believe the woman let her decline it? Like, you know everyone in there has a memory problem, right? Either way, I am glad she is re-scheduled for another one.

  2. With children you mostly have to say it is time to do whatever. Appointments drain me. Having two in the same week is almost impossible and then I need another two weeks to recover. It is 62 here and we have on the ac.
