Sunday, October 10, 2021

Weekend this and that

Neither of us did a whole lot yesterday. When dh over does it with his legs, it's usually 2 days after that he is feeling it the most. Part of his lawn mowing requires a lot of walking. He first uses the weed trimmer under fence line, etc. Then part of the yard has to be done with the walk behind mower. Then he uses the rider and after all that is done he uses his leaf blower around the front and back of house patios. His phone usually shows he has walked 5 miles on those days. He did spent some more time out working on his shop organization in the afternoon. We have this old wood toilet seat my grandpa made for us many years ago. It's actually quite beautiful myrtle wood, but it's the old style shaped seat and all our toilets are now the elongated type. DH hung in on the door to the shop bathroom. I think it looks perfect there and a great memory of my grandpa.

I washed our sheets and duvet. While the duvet was drying I took a nap. Even the kitty took a nap with me for awhile. Trying to put on a king sized duvet is not a one person job, LOL. I needed another nap after that. FedEx delivered the 40lb box of just plain old unscented w/baking soda cat litter. I threw out what had been in his litter box the past week or so and put in fresh. This litter has seemed to work much better, as it itself doesn't smell and it does a really good job of hiding the cat deposits smells, though I still scoop it out 2 x a day. I've also been using the air purifier in this room, which I think is also helping. We have started taking the cat outside for little bits of time. He does like it, but hasn't used the outside to do his business yet. We are just trying to also get him used to the living room french door as the in and out door. This way when he wants back in (once he's allowed to go outside by himself at some point) we can see him there through the window.

I was dusting upstairs in the loft and realized one of the marble chess pieces is missing. Oh good grief. This is the reason dd gave it to me, LOL, because her cat kept stealing the pieces. I found the absconded rook underneath the love seat.

My chickens are finally starting to look much better. The hen that was the worst looking, is now the best looking. Except for one small bare spot left on her bottom, she is fully feathered again. I see 2 of the others bare butts are starting to fill in again, though all 3 of the others still are missing some on the top of their backs, near their tail feathers, but one looks like hers is just starting to return. The only thing I can think that finally worked, is the diatomaceous earth, which means they probably had mites. I had originally tried this lime stuff, even before they started losing feathers and it was supposed to keep mites out. Then I was told they needed higher protein feed, which didn't help and I gave that to them for 2 months to finish up the bag. In the past 6 weeks their egg productions has gone down to 1 or 2 a day. A couple days none. Starting this past week they are now back to getting their regular layer feed. I am just happy my scraggly looking girl is looking so good again.

DH and I watched the new season first episode of Young Sheldon. That's like the only show we watch together, otherwise he rarely watches tv shows, unless it's something like Gold Rush or Deadliest Catch. Then he fell asleep on the couch and I watched 50 First Dates.

Neighbors son and family (and of course the 2 dogs) are apparently here for a 2 week visit, so it's certainly not going to be quiet over there. I swear - how much vacation/leave time do military people get? (ok, I answered my own question, apparently they get 30 days a year. Nice) Not to mention their oldest is in grade school now, so they just take him out for 2 weeks? oh well, not my problem, other than we'll be listening to barking dogs for the first week, because they are all stressed out again. Mr and Mrs will be at work all day and the son and DIL don't care if the dogs bark. We're taking bets to see how many emergency trips to the vet this visit requires. Usually it's 2, because the dogs will fight the first several days and one of them always ends up getting injured and bloody.

The weather sure has gotten chilly. Going to be in the 40's only during the days this week. We kinda skip fall around this neck of the woods. It goes from 95 to 40 in a matter of a few weeks.

Between now and his surgery on Thursday dh can only take his prescription meds and no vitamins, or advil or aleve. Only tylenol is allowed. And of course no food or drink after midnight the day of surgery. His surgery time is 12:30, but we are supposed to check in at 10:30. I think I will only take off Thursday and not Friday. Since I'm just upstairs from him, if he needs something on Friday, while he's resting/recovering, he can just text me.

I have my mom's medication refills coming to my address this week (I should have planned better and had them ordered when I ordered the machine), so I've decided to wait until next Saturday to take her this machine and get her set up. This way I can get to her place around 9, after she has breakfast, get it set up and actually be there when it's time for her morning meds and show her how it works. Then that evening, just before her 6:30 dose I'll call and be on the phone while she works herself through taking that one. By having all her meds here (except I don't have her daily multi vitamin) I can get them all preloaded and assigned the time. When I get to her place I will then only have to load up the multivitamin and schedule that. Then she will be set for 90 days.

She called me yesterday afternoon and couldn't find her phone charger. At least this time she didn't think someone stole it. I don't know why she just can't leave it plugged in or if she unplugs it, leave it on the counter, but that's the mind for ya. I told her to look in her dresser drawers, as that's where she put it last time. I will give her a call here, pretty soon this morning and see if she found it. She had been plugging it in (and that's where I plugged it in to show her when she got her new phone) at the plug in next to her kitchen counter. That is where this medication dispenser will also be going. I'm going to try taping a note just above the plug in that says "leave plugged in" for both her medication dispenser and her phone charger. I am hoping she found it and when I call her this morning her phone is not dead and she can't answer. If she didn't find it, she will most likely use the office phone or her guy friends phone to call and let me know.                                                                                       


  1. Slightly off topic I suppose but I also LOATHE changing my duvet cover (and could probably do with a nap afterwards too)!

    1. I loathe changing it too, but so much easier to wash in the washing machine than a big bulky king sized comforter that I'd have to take to a laundry mat.

  2. I just use a light quilt, but battling a duvet is what keeps me going that route. I can imagine with 5 miles tracked, the soreness sets in. Having a down day is good for us at times.

    1. He's just going to try to take it easy between now and his surgery on Thursday.

  3. Do you think your chickens were molting?

    1. I don't think so because it actually started late last spring. First it was just the one chicken and by mid summer all of them were missing their butt feathers. The funny part is fall is supposed to be their molting time and they look better now than they have in months.

  4. On U Tube watch Yoku Yoneda use her burrito method to put on a duvet cover. I haven’t tried it yet but it looks ingenious. I struggle with it all the time and finally decided to see if anyone had a simple method and voila!

    1. Well that is ingenious. I will be trying that next time!
