Monday, October 18, 2021

Rudeness continues

This is what we had to put up with today - a helmet and 2 bikes laying in front of our front fence/gate. It's kind of hard to see as I tried to zoom in but there is a bike and a helmet laying out there. There was also another bike out in front of our main gate, to the right of this picture. Two of the boys just left them there and went back to play at grandma and grandpa's house. While that was going on their 2 dogs were with them, so of course the dogs came through onto our property again and back to our back patio doors again. The kids are running around in shorts, no shirts or shoes (typical kids, of course) but the mom finally walked one of the boys down to get the big bike (he left it there because it's an adult bike and way too big for him to ride, so if he has to stop he can't get back up and get going) and she's walking around outside in her socks. 

And it's not like it's even getting close for them to leave and return home. They'll be here until the 27th. Oh yay. If we had guests who left crap laying out in front of their house, Mrs. Neighbor would be furious!


  1. They don't care about their things, so why should they care about your property. I would start complaining loudly, at least forcefully, not mincing words.

    1. It’s making me sick to my stomach to have to think about constantly complaining to them.

  2. Can you not call police/sheriff next time dogs are left alone - they should be given some kind of "disturbing the peace" citation! That's freaking ridiculous! And the fact that they didn't acknowledge your text.........that would piss me off to no end. Obviously they don't care what you think. Assholes.

    1. Our small like 4 person sheriff dept is pretty worthless. Ignoring my text pissed me off too. Here I was trying to apologize for complaining in the text and they just ignore it

  3. A part of me wants to "accidentally" run over the bikes and helmets with your truck.

    1. Really!!! OOPS!

    2. My dad sId same. Oops! Sorry...

    3. I thought about running over them. I wonder what DHR would say about children in the road. Advise the police there are children's bikes in the road and you don't see children. And, you could call child protection. Just don't go out to talk to them so you don't have to tell them where the kids live.

  4. Gee, free bikes and helmets. I would bring them onto my property and store them in the shop. When they ask if you have seen them, shrug your shoulders and say, "hmm, maybe someone saw them and picked them up when you left them by the side of the road. They must have thought they were for free." Then next time they leave, take them someplace and donate them. Maybe that will stop them from leaving their things on your property. I like the run over them option too!!

    1. those are great idea, that would sure probably teach them a lesson not to leave their things laying down the street

  5. I guess I see things differently. We live in a neighborhood and if kids were out playing and left their bikes in front of my house while they ran off to play somewhere else, unless it was impeding getting out of the driveway I would not be too concerned. But I love to see kids play and have a good time. My neighbors kids use my side yard to play football in, and the kid across from the side yard practices chipping plastic golf balls into my yard. All I ask is that they take their things when they are through.

    1. Nope, no thanks LOL. These neighbors have 4 acres of their own their grandkids can play on plus another 20 acres of state land on the other side.

  6. I'm with Anne. That is a reasonably common occurrence in our neighborhood, & wouldn't bother me unless it was blocking our driveway. If it was, I'd pull the items aside, back out & go on with my day. Barking dogs, on the other hand, would drive me bananas.

    1. if we lived in a housing development with lots of houses and families, etc, I can see how kids and their stuff would be everywhere. But, not here.

  7. This is twisting my stomach just reading what you are having to go through with these neighbours.

    1. it's twisting ours too. They continued the playing out in front of our house yesterday afternoon.

  8. Maybe it's time to set a sprinkler out to drench anything on your property that shouldn't be there -- a few muddy dogs or kids running through Mrs. house may do it.

    1. haha! too bad we already had to blow out our sprinkler system for the winter, since it's already freezing at night.
