Sunday, October 24, 2021

Success Saturday

Yesterday morning, after I wrote up my blog post, I logged into work for a bit. I just wanted to get through a bunch of old emails piling up the past couple of weeks of being out so much. Emails with invoices to pay that weren't "urgent" so I just skipped past them for now until I had time to get back to them. I started winding my way back through them at the end of the work day on Friday. Getting the invoices posted in our accounting system/ready to pay. Some of them are orders we, in turn, need to pass on the cost to our customers, so then I also have to create an invoice to bill our customer. I decided to work on that a bit again yesterday morning. It felt good to get a little more caught up with that end of things.

Other than my mom accidentally dialing me last evening, when she thought she was calling her guy friend down the hall, LOL, I'd say yesterday was a successful uneventful day. Yay.

I washed sheets, remade the bed (with the kitty's help), vacuumed and mopped part of the downstairs. By then my back was tightening up, so it was time to take a break. Kitty and I took a good nap on the freshly made bed. He even stayed when the dog came up and joined us, haha. DH got the smaller gas/push mower serviced and put away. Though I doubt he should have lifted that lawmower up onto his workbench. His incisions (or "ports" as the surgeon called them) look to be healing well, though with 4 of them across his belly, dh says he looks like he spent a weekend in Detroit and got caught up in a driveby shooting.

We decided to go into town and pick up some chicken from the store deli. Got some more bananas and milk and a bag of Halloween candy, because little neighbor boy is supposed to come over to trick or treat this year. Dinner was good, though next time we both decided we're going to try their new baked chicken. It also looked really good. It was nice to get out of the house, even if it was for just a 10 minute drive each way.

I decided to let kitty try out not being put in the crate last night and just sleep wherever he wanted in my office. After I turned the lights out and shut the door, he spent about a half hour playing. My office is above our bedroom. He sounds like a herd of elephants up there when he's playing. But then he was quiet the rest of the night until just before 7am this morning. Then he got busy playing again.

We've had a skunk around the past month or so, at night. It's driving dh nuts, because usually before he goes to bed, when it's very dark out, of course, he and our dog will go outside so dh can lock up the shop and pup can have a last pee. Twice now almost ran smack into the skunk. At first we'd smell him sometimes when we'd go outside in the mornings, but we haven't smelled him for awhile. While they are great to eat mice and pack rats, dh is worried he and/or the dog are going to get sprayed one of these nights. He's looking into live traps made especially for skunks. Maybe catch him and drop him off somewhere else, rather than taking up permanent residence at our house. The traps are kind of a narrow tube and apparently once they are inside they don't have room to lift their tails so they can't spray. Just not sure how to let him go, without potentially getting sprayed. DH is still researching.

Today I'm going to finish mopping the floors. Other than that I really don't have much plans. I read an ok book (science fiction type) and then realized it's a series of 4 books, so now I'm on the 2nd one. Reading those should keep me busy for a couple weeks. I was going to finish taking all the annual flowers that are pretty much done in all the planters, out and throw away this weekend, but dh filled the garbage can up with stuff from his shop. I told him to leave me room in it for next weekend. Plus, it's not supposed to be raining next weekend,

With everything going on with dh (and my mom) I almost forgot dd's birthday is coming up next month. I need to figure out something to get/send her. Usually I don't have trouble figuring something out for her, but I have no idea. I need to get it figured out soon, so I have time to make sure whatever it is, has time to get to her. She's going to be 26. Holy Moly.


  1. Good luck catching the skunk. I'm surprised your dh & dog haven't been sprayed.
    It sounds like you could actually catch a break today. :)
    It's nice to hear that mr.kitty is adjusting well.

    1. Mr. Kitty is a terror, LOL. But he's so darn adorable.

  2. 26?
    I would be so afraid of getting sprayed! Well, husband and dog can sleep in the garage. I would still keep kitten in crate since it is a good habit and you may need to keep him there some of the time. -Tommy and I like to spend some time out of the house each day, even if it is going to sit in the nearby park.

    1. DH has been leaving lights on outside, until he locks everything up. Apparently they stay away from light. Yes, 26. I'm getting old.

  3. Young adults are hard to buy for once they have established homes. I don't know what to get my daughter either for her birthday at the end of the month. I got a planter thing form a silent auction I think she will really like, so maybe it will be that, three small plants to put in the planter and cash.

    1. She is hard to buy for, especially now that she can pretty much buy whatever she wants when she wants something, LOL. I'll figure out something, I just need to put some thought into it and my brain has been on overload the past couple of weeks to focus much on it.

  4. I get gift cards for stores that my daughter might not shop at. I tried the duvet changing trick that I saw on UTube and it was amazingly easy.

  5. To stop your mom from unplugging the medicine thing and her cell phone charger you might want to try these. I used them with my child who would pull plugs out of the wall. They keep them safe. You can order them off Amazon ..
    Dreambaby Dual Fit Outlet Plug Cover - Model L907 - Electrical Socket Guard for Standard and Decora (2 Pack), White

    1. Thank you so much for the idea! I have never seen this before.
