Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Mid week ramblings

I felt a weight lift off my shoulders after talking to the attorney yesterday. But, now I still now have to contact the investment guy back to tell him to proceed with the beneficiaries changes. Well, typically that is handled through his assistant lady, which is how I started to do that and she was like no problem, I'll get those changes typed up on a new form and get sent to your mom to sign. Then she scheduled our quarterly update with him and that's when he butted in with his false information. Usually when you call his office she is the one who answers and takes care of most things. I hate confrontation. I might just call and tell her hey, my mom and I consulted with her estate attorney and he advised us that your boss was  full of shit, I mean completely wrong, and my mom does not need to leave 50% to her stepchilren, nor do they have any rights or claims to her money. Please send her the form, as we discussed. My mom also has a small (well, in comparison to her main IRA investment account) savings account with them. I'm also going to tell her I'm transferring out all that balance to her regular bank account and tell her to close that account. It's ridiculous to pay $175 fee per year to earn $14 a year in interest. Best just to get it done and not procrastinate any more days (though the procrastinator in me just wants to wait until after dh's surgery)

I received a $50 Amazon gift card yesterday from one of the manufacturers my company does business with. We met a sales goal and this is what they sent each employee. Very nice.

It got down to 19 degrees last night. I had to turn the chickens water heater base on a couple days ago.

DH's covid test yesterday of course came back negative, so surgery is on for tomorrow. After that I'm sure we will both be relieved. Just praying this fixes his issue.

I think I mentioned our neighbors son and family and 2 dogs are visiting for 2 weeks? oh yay....yesterday the son and kids and their 2 dogs were outside playing. Of course they don't care that their dogs left their property and came over (they can get around the fence down at the edge of the bank to the river, or there is a walk through opening on each side of our main gate. Next thing we know their big (and I mean big) dog is at our back patio door barking, startling our dog. Then their little dog is up on his hind legs scratching at our patio door/window. I went outside and shooed them back to the small gate we have between our properties and just said to the dad - your dogs were scratching at our patio doors "oh, they were? sorry". And then literally 2 minutes later he had the 4 kids right out front at our 2 gates with their bikes and whatnot (2 are too little to ride themselves) using our driveway entrances (our gates are set back a ways) to turn around in. GO F'ING play in front of your house on your 4 acres of property!! Not to mention on the other side of their 4 acres is 20 acres of state land. I would never have guests with children and just let them play out in front of any of our neighbors homes. I've got enough going on this week, to not need to deal with them and their constant chaos invading our lives, too. It will be interesting to see, once they get their house built and live about 90 minutes away if their visits will be more or less. They might visit more often, but obviously won't need to stay overnight. And maybe Mr and Mrs Neighbor will visit them rather than them coming here all the time. 

I got an email last night that the landline telephone order I placed with Walmart was being canceled because it was out of stock. Well, guess I won't have one here by Friday to take to her when I visit this weekend. Oh well. I need to either find it to order someplace else or find a different similar one.

I probably won't post until after his surgery is done tomorrow, so might not be back on until Friday. We'll see how he's doing. I may find time later tomorrow to get back to my computer.


  1. I would tell the neighbor, not son, of the surgery and that you cannot deal with dogs and such, as it is too much of a disruption. A text would work. Only 90 minutes away? I am sure they will be back more often. Or, maybe the parents will go there so they can limit chaos at their house for their own sake.

    Hopefully, everything will go as smoothly as it is planned.

    1. that's kind of what I'm thinking, when they are only 90 min away it will be easier for all of them for the parents to go visit them more than they visit here, LOL.

    2. but at least when they are living 90 min away it will likely be just day visits...not 2 weeks visits, haha.

  2. Your neighbours would drive me bonkers. Mine do too occasionally but I have to admit there is more to them that I like than I don't. Hope DH's surgery goes well and this can all be over soon!

    1. Mr and Mrs Neighbor, just themselves and their own dogs (which don't bark too often, as long as sons dogs aren't dumped on them for months)are good neighbors almost all the time. It's just when their son, wife, 4 little boys and 2 dogs visit. They act like the whole neighborhood is theirs to use for their vacation.

  3. Wishing your DH a speedy recovery. I hope the issue with the investment stuff gets resolved very quickly without further annoyance to you. Keeping fingers and toes crossed for you!

    1. thank you. I hate dealing with stuff like this with the investment guy and having to be assertive. That's why I never wanted to be in a management position in my career. It just stressed me out too much.

  4. 19°! Wow!! We are having an Indian Summer right now. 75° & HIGH humidity. I had to put the a/c back on for a bit.
    Your neighbors drive me crazy. Their ridiculous. No manners and just Rude. I hate that. No consideration for you guys.
    I hope your dh does just fine tomorrow. Considering what he went thru this should be much less pain & discomfort. I'll say a little prayer for you both. :)
    Your financial guy was way out of line. Glad you got that clarified!

    1. thanks, I'm sure dh will do great. I just don't understand why the neighbors/family think it's ok to play in front of our property (and on our property) when they have twice as much space as we do over there. It's annoying. We just want some peace

  5. Good luck tomorrow! Your neighbours, oh boy! And I am glad it is all sorted about your mom too.

    1. and just like when they have their sons dogs for months, they are gone all day at work, so no idea we're having to spend the day being annoyed. Now it's double whammy because it's the humans and the dogs.

  6. Maybe try your local Buy Nothing page for a landline phone….ask is anyone has one laying around (many don’t have them anymore but the phone is sitting in a bin somewhere!)

    1. Dh has one or two landlines in a bin, LOL, but they are not what I want for my mom. One was cordless and the other didn't have any memory buttons. I want something I can program mine and my uncles ph# into and she just has to press that button to dial. There are several models online for sale like that, I just apparently happened to order one out of stock, LOL.
