Monday, October 18, 2021

Lack of respect

When we moved here, other than of course the noise and disturbance of building, we have not once been a nuisance to our neighbors. We do not make noise (other than mowing and snow plowing, which we all have to do). We do not let our dog(s) make noise. We do not let our dog go on to their property. If we walk to the mailboxes, and he starts to stray onto their area, we call him back (and he listens). We have never ever let our dogs bark non stop, other than a few barks to announce someone is here. 

We are super quiet and we keep our property/yard immaculate. I don't know how we could be better neighbors. We knew Mr and Mrs neighbor had this whole area to themselves as the only house, for 10 years, before us and lot 7 built. Mr and Mrs own lots 1 and 2. We are lot 3. Lots 4, 5 and 6 are not built on, and lot 7 is the younger neighbors. 2 acre lots, so we are close to each other. We built and have been extremely considerate that we tried not to change the quality of Mr and Mrs neighbors lives, now that they have neighbors. But, obviously they were used to no one being around for a mile so it didn't matter that their dogs barked all day while they are at work, or whenever they were gone.

It's obviously not going to get better. If 3 years of complaints hasn't fixed the issue, more complaints and discussions isn't going to. Not sure what to do, now. I'm sure it's only going to get worse, actually. Their son and his family will be moving over here and building a house. Supposedly his job over here (still with military) would start next May. Most likely they will all live with Mr and Mrs while building (and we all know how long that takes around here!) or at a minimum they will be dumping their dogs to stay during the build, if they decide to live somewhere else.

To give some context of our 2 acre lots here. They are actually about 1.2 acre lots. The rest of each lot is steep high bank down to the river/unusable. There are 7 lots and each is narrow and long. Most likely set up that way in order to get as many lots as possible "on the river". So being on narrow lots, we are close to each other. 

And then yesterday afternoon, of course when dh tried to take a nap again, they started up riding Mr.'s quad up and down the street in front of our house. To give more context of our area, across the main road is a forest service dirt literally goes for miles up into the mountains and perfect for quad riding and not disturbing a soul.

I told dh I am done being neighborly and friendly with them. D.O.N.E. When that asshole son is gone, we aren't going back to waves hello, friendly fence visits and friendly neighborhood text messages. We go out of our way to make sure nothing we do would ever annoy them or infringe on their property or peace and quiet. It's 100% apparent that there is zero mutual respect and consideration coming from them. All of it is totally disrespectful, but the fact that they know dh just had surgery and is trying to recuperate and they pull this is beyond disrespectful, in my opinion.

This is starting out as a Monday, that's for sure. The phone app I have for my mom's medication dispenser is showing she unplugged it...................I just tried to all her (almost 8am) and she didn't answer. Who knows. My only guess is she unplugged it to plug in her phone charger.  I've been trying to call her for the last 20 minutes and it just rings and rings and then goes to her voicemail, so at least I know her phone is charged, but why isn't she answering. maybe she was able to go downstairs for breakfast and just can't hear it ringing.



  1. Between husband recovering, neighbors being a**holes, and your mother's problems, I can imagine how frustrated and at the end of your rope must be. AND, you have work. Those people have not adjusted at all for others living there. Are you going to have a talk with them or just frosty.

    Is there any way you can tape the pill dispenser plug to the wall?

    1. yes, definitely at the end of my rope. And I still need to call that damn investment guy.....Apparently mom thought the med dispenser just needed to be charged for awhile, like her cell phone, so that's why she unplugged it. I told her it runs off electricity so has to stay plugged in all the time.

    2. I hit publish before I answered all your questions. I'm done talking to them about the barking dogs. We have done that numerous times now, and it obviously means nothing to them. Just frost from here on out.

    3. I know you live in a rural area - is there any sort of noise nuisance ordinance? Probably not. I would also stop texting and start calling them every time the dogs start barking, and ensure they can hear the dogs barking while you leave them a voice mail. Repeat every 30 minutes until they take some action. Texts are easy to ignore; phone calls, voice mails - not so much.

    4. out here in the county area, not that I know of, and our sheriff's dept doesn't do anything. It literally makes both dh and I sick to our stomachs to have to call/text/email to complain about this all the time.

    5. I hear you - I'm absolutely the not confrontational sort as well. BUT other (normal) methods you have tried are not working. While I agree giving them the cold shoulder is an excellent idea, they are not like you (or me for that matter). I would be mortified if my activities (or lack of attention) disturbed my neighbors. Unfortunately I believe the only path to peace and quiet is being direct and confronting them about the barking, the noise, the kids treating your property like their personal playground. Good luck.

    6. Mortified is exactly how dh and I would feel. We really have tried to be very direct with them about the dog barking situation, the kids situation is starting to be newer because they are now getting old enough to be outside doing stuff. And since we have tried all ways to communicate to them that the barking is unacceptable, the only thing left is to just cold shoulder them and no more friendly neighbor chats.

  2. Record the dogs barking and then broadcast it back to them via loudspeaker.

    Warning: this will burn bridges.

    1. believe me, both dh and I have come up with ideas to annoy them just as much! Mr goes to bed at like 7pm. Mrs not too much later. How about we just decide to start making noise at 7pm? Dh said (not serious of course) lets just get a big barking dog that we leave outside in a kennel run next to their dogs kennel run (it butts up almost to our fence) and let it bark outside all evening.

  3. You're right, they have absolutely NO respect for you and being "neighbourly". I kinda like the idea of calling them to listen to their dogs and also recording them. Heck if bridges are going to be burned, why not! Still, I'm sorry you're going through this!

    1. It's strange because when there is no son here/ and/or no sons dogs here they are very nice people. But, its like as soon as their son shows up they think it's completely ok to do whatever and wherever they want "we're making memories". I don't want or need their "memories"

  4. It really doesn't matter the size of your property. When people move to areas, like yours, they are seeking peace & quiet. So yeah, your neighbors suck. Too bad.

    1. very true. And like dh has mentioned. It is normally so very quiet here that any disturbance (like dogs barking for 4 hours) really seem even more noisy. Plus we live in like a canyon area and there is a big cliff across the road from us that every noise just echos off of. We know the guy who lives a mile down the road obviously even heard their dogs for years before we moved here, because dh was chatting with him one time and he said "how do you like the barking dogs?". Or like dh and I said to each other - why did they move away from living right in the city 10 years ago?? because they wanted peace and quiet. Then I said, well, that's what I've always assumed, but now I'm thinking it was more so they could "do whatever they want".

  5. I agree with you on the cold shoulder to yr neighbors. Looks like nothing works so, why make the effort to be neighborly?

    1. especially as they aren't reciprocating being a courteous and good neighbor

  6. Hi: there's a device advertised that supposedly sends out some type of high pitched, only dogs can hear, sound when dogs are barking. Have seen it positioned in a tree facing towards the offending dog's house. Don't know if it really works or if it would bother your quiet dog? You once said there was a covenant? about the number of dogs allowed per house. Maybe time to try and enforce that, a letter from an attorney might do the trick. Sorry, it's not funny, but your poor mom, unplugging the medication dispenser. You try so hard! You may find it in her dresser drawer one day! Hope it all works out.
