Monday, October 4, 2021


I got the Hero pill dispenser system ordered yesterday. Once it arrives I'll load up with her pills I have here and try it out for a week or so, until I see her next. I'm also going to test out forgetting to take them, so I can see how the phone app notification system will work on my phone. I will also have to determine the best time in the morning and evening for her to take them. Obviously if she is down at breakfast or at a morning activity after breakfast, she won't be in her apartment to take.

She doesn't go down for breakfast every day, from the sounds of it. Often she just has cereal or oatmeal in her apartment, as I am always picking her up milk, cereal and instant oatmeal at the store for her. I just don't think she is up and dressed and ready by 8am most days. On the days she does "wii bowling" that starts at 9:30. I think I'll try setting it at 9am for her. She should be back from breakfast by then, if she did go downstairs. The evening one should be fine, as there isn't usually evening activities, so I'll probably just set it for 6:30 (it's her Simvistatin med in the evening). I am just hoping this works!! It will be a godsend and a load off my mind, if it does.

I will say that it has been so nice not getting calls all the time (usually on Sundays, for some reason) from my mom to help her log into her bank account online and then try to figure out her check register. So nice! She still forgets I have her checks. Usually when I am visiting her and have stopped at the store for her, she knows she owes me money and says I need to write you a check. I remind her I have her checks and she always says oh that's right. I guess I don't need any...but my rent? and I always remind her that comes out automatically from her checking now. Other than that she doesn't mention her checks or her bank account at all. Then I always say she has her debit and credit card she can use anywhere.

She had asked me to go to the bank and get her $40. I thought maybe she's spent the last $20 bill I got her (she keeps it in her pants pocket) so I hand her the 2 $20 bills and she pulls out the $20 bill out of her pants pocket and doesn't remember asking me to get her cash. I said why don't you just put this extra in your wallet? oh no, can't do that. Someone will take it. Ok, so she ended up putting one in her pants pocket (so now $40) and told me to hold on to the other one, LOL.

It's supposed to be 80 degrees today. The weekend was nice and mid 70's. I think today dh wants to work on moving that fire pit in the back yard to a different spot. He's going to cut down 2 small dead trees out of the edge of the new spot. They should be cut down anyway. He's also going to make the new fire pit a bit smaller. He only really uses it like a couple times a year to burn brush and branches, etc. Sometimes scrap wood. We have such a short open burn season here, that there isn't a lot of opportunities to burn. Oct 1st was start of open burn and neighbors were burning up branches and stuff too, on Saturday. Some times of the year you can burn, but you have to go into town to the forest service office and get a burn permit. Most of summer is no burning at all.

The lots next to us are still showing as for sale on the realtors listing. So strange. So, I missed part of what the guy told dh because he had already been chatting with the couple before I went outside and realized they were there. Dh said he told him that when they had met the sellers realtor at the property a couple weeks before, they had made an offer and it must have been really low as the realtor said "he won't accept it, I can tell you right now". They said to ask him anyway, so he did and then they never heard back on their offer. So, that day we talked to him he said they had just come from the sellers place of business in the city to make another offer to him directly and supposedly he said ok. They then drove back to the properties and that is when we chatted and he told dh that that just came from seller's office and he agreed to their offer, so they were going to be the new owners. But, nothing showing pending sale so far. and for sales signs still on the properties. I said that's kind of weird to go direct to the seller and not do the offer through his realtor! If I was the seller I'd be a bit miffed if someone just showed up at my office (he's a business owner of a store). That's the whole reason to hire a realtor, so they handle it. Who knows, LOL.



  1. That $$ used to be an issue with my aunt as well. I would give her $$ and then refill as needed - she rarely went out BUT the money always ran down. I suspected she used it at church etc, haha. As for the buyers of the lot, I wonder if seller said yes to be polite, but has 0 interest in their offer!

    1. I figure a few $20 here and there lost by my mom won't break her, haha. That's what my dh said about their offer to the seller. After they left he probably said not a chance and told his realtor. We've never met him but one time someone told us the county guy who does septic approvals asked him what he plans to do with these 2 properties and he said "none of your f'ing business".

    2. Yeah, a lowball offer will not make anyone happy! Even going to someone's place of work, that is just awkward too.

  2. It sounds like the buyers might want things to sound like they are going their way. They probably think they can be charming, persuasive, and put the pressure on to the buyer. They would annoy me. The way he talked to the septic guy will get around! They would probably have the same attitude with you eventually. The realtor would have updated the website, I am sure.

    Is there anything to spend money on where your mother lives? I wonder if she treats people or bf? Maybe she will never ask to get on and check her account on the computer ever again.

    1. When you first talked about the medicine dispenser, I wonder what you happen if a person were not there to take the pill. Or, what happened if a person were on the phone, in bathroom, or doing anything and forgot to mind the reminder. Shoot, I can forget as soon as I get off the sofa where I was

    2. It's the current owner/seller of the lots who told the septic guy to mind his own business a few years ago as to what his plans are for the 2 lots. I guess we'll have to wait and see how the new owners are.

      There really isn't much for mom to spend money where she lives at all. I think they charge a little for bingo cards and they can win it back, LOL. I think there has only been one time her $20 has been lost. The other times she used it when she went to a store with me and then she forgot she used it. I think this pill system keeps reminding until the cup is removed, the pills taken and then the cup put back....I'm sure I'll have to keep reminding her for awhile that the cup needs to be put back, but I'm praying it works for her better than what's going on now.

  3. While I know you worry about your mom I think it's kinda cute that she goes wii bowling. God luv her!

    1. I think at first she wasn't interested in that activity but one day the ladies who do it needed a replacement person and she's been doing it ever since, haha.
