Saturday, October 23, 2021

Maybe today

I'm getting frustrated with one of the medical bills from dh's hospital stay in August. It's for a radiology service for $765. No claim is showing received by his insurance. When I got the bill last month I called and she said they denied the claim as ineligible for date of service. I said that's wrong. He was eligible and all his other claims have been processed, no problem. She said they'll submit it again. I have been watching his claims online and still not showing they have received a claim from this provider. I just now received another statement from them for the same amount of $765. Again, there is no claim recorded from the provider on his insurance. I tried to call, but they aren't open Friday afternoons. Obviously they are billing the wrong company or have the subscriber ID number wrong, or something.

I can't remember why it flashed through my mind, but when getting my mom's new cell phone, showing her how to use, etc. I got the feeling she hadn't been using "contacts" to call me or uncle. I remember thinking to myself - hmm. I wonder if she is just typing our numbers in? She has our numbers written down at her desk. Well, I think that is what is happening because I was just looking at her cell phone call log and one day, a few days ago, she dialed a number one off from my number......5 times! oh that poor person she kept calling! I am really hoping she just starts using the landline once I get it to her. She's also constantly opening her cell phone and somehow accidentally calling me or uncle (mostly me). He said his phone rang at 6:30 the other morning from her number, but she wasn't there. I said she must have opened her phone, fiddling with it. Almost daily she will call me, because she sees the last call and doesn't know if she called me back or we talked or not. I'm guessing in the future this cell phone needs to go.......just like her car did, LOL. Like one of these days I'll have to tell her I'm taking it to get fixed or something and then eventually she will forget about it.

When dh came to bed (at like 1am) he always has to wake me up (annoying!) this time to say he wanted to get up early (for him, I'm already up by then) and go into town and get some donuts. Ya...that isn't happening LOL. Our little store has fresh donuts daily, but you have to get there pretty early to get any, haha. Usually before 9 and even then sometimes that is too late, especially to find any maple bars left,  which is what dh wants. I guess there's always tomorrow to try for, haha.

He did work out in the shop for a little yesterday afternoon, throwing out some more junk. This time he finally parted with the hundreds of planting pots he's kept over the years. Who knows why he kept, but even stacked all inside each other, they took up space. He also has a box of fencing parts to get rid of, and I think he's decided just to throw out. He thought about putting on marketplace for free, but I said is it worth it to deal with all the stupid messages people send and then don't follow up on and so he decided next week, once the garbage can is empty again, he'll just throw away. He said it was from when we put up our fence at our old house many years ago. And then our good neighbor took down part of his wood fence between us and gave dh some of the brakets, etc. Which of course dh has never needed to use.

I haven't gotten one day of no problems yet. Maybe today? Yesterday afternoon my mom unplugged her medication dispenser again. I really can't believe that before this machine, she was missing doses instead of doubling up on doses. Especially for the evening pill, she takes it and then calls me like a half hour later because she's not sure if she took it or not. Plus, apparently the way this machine works is if she is ready or wants to take the pills a little earlier than when it's set to notify her, she can press it and it will dispense, which several times she has done. I know this because it tells me what time she dispensed them. She doesn't usually do this with the morning pills, but this morning I see she took them at 8:07 and it's set to notify her at 8:30. This is not a problem....other than she just doesn't seem to remember she already has taken her daily dose. Which is really why I'm now surprised she wasn't over taking her meds. Thankfully, once she's dispensed her dose for the day, it will not let her do it again. She seems worse this past week, memory wise, but I have a feeling it's just this new machine throwing her for a loop, just like the week or so after she got her new cell phone.  

The neighbors DIL is just strange. It's like 50 degrees outside. She has on a puffy down jacket (rightly so). Yet she walks around outside in bare feet. She's walking around their backyard, which is just rough natural type grasses. Or out on our street that is dirty (and full of big worms after it rains!). Weird. Her little ones are playing out in shorts, no shirts or shoes, at 50 degrees out. Whenever we see her outside with the boys, she has her face in her phone or she's got the ear buds in and holding her phone. She doesn't play with them. If the dad is out there, he usually will at least play with them a bit.

Not much on tap for today. Just some normal housecleaning. Dh said he'll probably work on his annual lawn mower maintenance. He buys a kit to replace oil, blades, etc.



  1. Here is hoping you have a nice and relaxing weekend! I am glad DH is looking forward to donuts, haha!

    1. so far so good. It's kind of a rainy day, good to stay inside and curl up with a good book

  2. Sounds like your DH is feeling better. I have been seeing mentions of donuts recently and I am craving for raspberry donuts actually. I have to plan for an indulgence. Salad all day may be? Lol!

    1. well, now that he put the idea of a donut (the ones at the store are really good) in my head, it sounds so good.

  3. I worked with someone once who wouldn't stop wearing sandals until snow was on the ground. She'd be wrapped in bulky sweaters and have a blanket on her lap, but pretty much bare feet. DIL reminded me of that.

    1. I guess I could see sandals, but not bare feet. Plus...those dogs are out pooping all over that yard...yuck! LOL.

  4. I have a question for you on behalf of a friend of mine. It is kind of long. I will write a post on my blog about it and if you share your insight, I will appreciate it very much.

  5. It's a bit incongruous if the DIL thinks it's ok for her kids to play outside in just shorts but then she herself wears a jacket (even if no shoes). I get that people feel temperatures differently but surely if she's somewhat dressed up for the cold she should think about her kids too - or maybe them running around all the time keeps them warm. There's nowt so strange as folk is there!
