Monday, October 25, 2021

On a roll this morning

I'm getting things done/checked off this morning, at least. 

1. Call mom after the app shows she took this mornings meds (she did) to make sure she put the cup back (she did). She said, but I don't think it's the original cup. I said no, it's not, you lost that one yesterday. She then did remember the lady from the front desk downstairs helped figure out this fake cup and she even said she should make some more to have on hand. I said that's probably a good idea.

2. Get a program I use at work working again. It's been popping up for months every time I log in that it needs to do an update. I've been telling our IT company for months. Finally, apparently reached the limits of notifications. Well, then to update it they had to log everyone working out of the server to do the update. They should have listened to me all along and should have scheduled it to be done after hours.

3. Cancel dh's surgery follow up appt for tomorrow. He's doing ok (not great) but better than last weeks unscheduled visit, so really no need for this appt tomorrow. Good, because I have to do payroll tomorrow. When I logged into his mychart it wasn't showing the appt tomorrow, so I called and she said they had already canceled it. Well...they weren't supposed to, in case he was still feeling bad, but anyway, it all worked out.

4. Finally called my mom's financial advisors office back. Talked to his assistant. I just told her that in our conversation with her boss he said she was required to leave 50% to her step children, so we had a meeting with the attorney who did her will and he said that is completely not true and that they are not legally entitled to claim any of her money, so please do up the new beneficiary form as instructed. She kind of tried to say that since she wasn't part of our conversation with him, she's not exactly sure what he meant, but she thought he was just trying to let her know what could happen if she changes it. I said, well and that is why we consulted the attorney, so we know for sure. Then she commented something like maybe he thought changing the beneficiaries could cause the problem and I said well, the attorney told me she has the right to change/update her beneficiaries at any time and she said, yes you are right. And then I told her we're closing out that separate savings type account this is costing her $175 a year. She is going to just EFT transfer it, once she figures out the little bit of extra interest is owed on it (like pennies, LOL) and then close it out. For now, I'm going to leave her money with them, but if something like this happens again, I'll be looking to transfer it all to someone local. Right now I just don't have the energy to take care of all that would entail. The investment guy just needs to do his job, invest her money well, and stay out of what she does with her money. Hopefully the fact that they now know I contacted her attorney about what she can and can't do, rather than take his "advice" (and canceling that stupid account that is costing her money every year) sends the message I'm not stupid or a pushover. 

Honestly, the more I think about it, he's had over12 years to tell her that's what he thought she was supposed to do with her beneficiaries. I'd like to think that up until a few years ago, she would have done what I did, and consulted her will/estate attorney, but it almost makes me feel like he was trying to tell her this now, because he knows she's easily convinced about things. (my guess is he also represents one of her step children's investments). This change in beneficiaries really has nothing to do with the step children (in fact they are now getting more %). It has everything to do with getting her elderly brother off as such a huge inheritance amount. Everything I have researched on it, and everyone I have talked to about it says it's not smart to leave a large inheritance to another elderly person, unless of course, it's your spouse.

Forgot to add 5.) I called the radiology provider who was billing the wrong insurance company, so hopefully it is corrected now and they will get the claim processed and I'll owe less than $765 on it.


  1. I would think maybe the assistant might not convey that message. But, I would want to speak to superior! I think I might change advisors. He probably/might make other assumptions that are not true.

    1. I think this guy is the superior. He runs this branch office of the investment company. I have a strong feeling she'll be letting him know. She said all's she knew from our chat with him was that we would be getting back to them about it. I really don't care, at this point, what his opinion on it is. The assistant is the one who has to do up the beneficiary form and speaking directly to her I know it will get done.

    2. and he had told me she's the one I need to talk to for closing out that savings account.

  2. I do not trust that investment guy. Even if he is representing a stepkid, it still is none of his business. Both your mother and the stepkid are customers for him. He should have the same distance to all. I'm sure you will check to see if they have changed the beneficiaries as instructed. Some people!

    1. I don't know if he's he's representing one of them, but just a hunch, since he butted his nose in where it doesn't belong. I will make sure they received the new signed form back, and also get confirmation in writing via email.

  3. You cracked the whip today. You go girl!! :)
