Monday, October 11, 2021

More weekend this and that

I tried calling my mom a few times yesterday morning. Went straight to voicemail, so that must mean she hadn't found her charger. Ugh. I'm actually surprised she hadn't called me from either the office phone or her guy friends phone. My plan is still to get a landline installed. I really just haven't had time the past couple of weeks, with dh's dr appointments and also not knowing what upcoming appts I was going to have to make for him. Plus, unless it can be installed on a weekend, I'm going to have to take time off work, yet again, to have this done, too.

DH has to self quarantine until his surgery. Which means for the best outcome of no Covid, I should not go anywhere either. So, if/when she called I was going to tell her I can't come in to find her charger this week. She's got a 1 bedroom tiny apartment, (that is nice and neatly kept). Someone there should be able to help her find it, if she can't. Most likely she put it back in that dresser drawer. Finally, around 2pm my phone rang and it showed it was my mom calling. Phone charger found, thank goodness.

Thanks to commenter Karen's suggestion about her statin med, I have put in an email message to her doctor to ask about this. I also asked if she does need to continue taking this, can we at least just switch it to take with her morning meds, so that she only would now have one time a day to take. I'm sure I'll hear back from her in a day or two. I'm not even sure if she's back from maternity leave yet. It has been just about 3 months now, since she went on it.

For my primary care dr. I am thinking of switching to the local lady dh saw for his hospital stay follow up. I really liked her and even though I only have to go in once a year, it would be much more convenient to just make a 10 minute drive to town. When we first moved here they did not have this hospital clinic open, so I found a dr. in the city. Either that or I am going to try to see where the provider ends up that I saw in July, (because my provider was on maternity leave, too, LOL), that was filling in for my provider. She was awesome. While I like my original provider fine, I really really just clicked with this one that was filling in for her. 

DH has to go into the city again tomorrow morning for his drive up Covid test. Of course he's not looking forward to having that done again, now for the 3rd time. This time though, he's just going to go in to get it done by himself. He knows where to go and he'll be there like 2 minutes. I have payroll to do tomorrow, so I don't need the interruption of having to take time off during the day. His online medical chart updated with the bloodwork he had Friday. He's obviously still having pancreas issues from 3 markers with that.

Yesterday he texted our young neighbor, down at the end of the street to see if he would be interested in some metal pallet racking - Free! He said yes (he's been building a garage and a shop at his place). So, he came down with a little flatbed trailer and took that off of dh's hands. One more thing out of dh's shop. It really is starting to look less like a hoard in there. Still a long way to go, but I think once he gets past this gallbladder surgery and hopefully starts to feel better, I think he'll be ready to start working on building that storage loft he wants to put along the back wall. That will create a huge amount of storage space to get a bunch of stuff off the floor and up onto the loft for storage. And beneath it he plans to put in a long work bench and shelves. I would think at that point he will have quite a bit of open floor space.


  1. Will husband only go to get the Covid test and not decide to do one more little thing? I wonder how your mother found her phone.

    1. No, he won't go anywhere else. He wants this surgery over and done with, especially as he still has been feeling so crummy. She didn't seem to remember how she found her charger, LOL. At least this time it wasn't her phone, too.

  2. The time will fly this week before the surgery, good on your husband for being a good patient and self isolating! Glad your mom found her charger - phew!! And good on DH for clearing up his space!!

    1. I'm sure Thursday will be here before we know it and he'll be all done with this (I hope!!).
