Saturday, May 8, 2021

Vet visit

We drove up to the vet for our 2pm appointment. When I called to make the appointment for the stitches removal I also specifically said I also need to follow up on the arthritis medication he got put on, as the vet recommended switching to the monthly shot. I wanted to make sure I had an appointment that included the vet and not just his technician pulling out stitches. First she pulls out the stitches and it's all healed nicely. He was such good, still boy, while she took them out. Then she was like ok, you are good to go! No...I need to discuss his arthritis medication plan and we also haven't heard the results of his tumor biopsy. She sends me back out to the waiting room. Why I have no idea, as if we are switching to the shots, like vet seemed to be leaning toward last visit, he's going to have to show me how to do it. Vet comes out and brings me back in the room. Shows me very quickly (eek) how to give him the shot. 2cc's 2x a week the first month and then monthly after that and gives me a supply of it. It seems pretty easy. Just stab it into the muscle area in the back of his neck, haha. He also said he might not even need it monthly after that. He had a dog who could go 4-6 months in between shots, so he just said to see how it does. He said apparently they never got the results so he went in back and called the lab. By the time I was leaving and paid, he hadn't heard back. He did call later and said it was malignant, but he's pretty sure he got it all, as he also removed the skin around it. Keep an eye on it and if we start to feel a lump again, bring him in. I'm sure that's really the best we can do with it. It is really nice that he's got more energy and his legs feel so much better now.

On the way back through that town (his vet office is just outside of town) we stopped at a gift shop type of place just to look around. Picked up a cute set of bear bathroom accessories for the upstairs bathroom. They also sold guns (cuz...well, it's Montana LOL) and there was this gun that was a super good price, according to dh. But, he decided no, he didn't want to spend money on that. We need to start putting money aside for a new vehicle.

Also yesterday my mom apparently decided to try to access her retirement money account and of course can't ever remember how to log in so she locked it out. I reset it. thankfully was just able to use the same password. I told her lets just wait until you are here tomorrow and you can look at it on my computer. 15 minutes later she's trying to do it again. I'm sure I'll have to reset it again. 

I use a small local bank in our city for my checking. I like how they will call to check on large transactions, like the one I just made for over $10k to my new mortgage. I told her yes, I made that payment and thank you for checking! 

I'm picking my mom up at 11 today, along with some groceries and swing by the feed store curbside pick up for chicken food and bedding.

I haven't exactly figured out what my brunch for tomorrow will be. Probably scrambled eggs, french toast, some fruit, and juice.


  1. I am glad your pup dog is doing well. What a nice boy to be still and patient while the stitches were being taken out. Will you be replacing your car?

    1. We will need a new car sooner than later, as this one is over 10 years old now and getting worn out, especially if/when I might need to drive to my office or see DD

  2. I do hope the best for your dog. It is a good thing you got to speak to the vet and eventually find out about the malignancy. Maybe with the injection, walking will be so much easier. I need one of those injections!

    I love scrambled eggs! Will your mother even remember that it is Mother's Day beyond the moment you tell her?

    1. I doubt she will remember. She complely forgot this morning that I was coming to get her :(. Dd sent her flowers a week ago for her birthday and she's now called dd 3 times to thank her because she doesn't remember she called
