Thursday, May 20, 2021

It's in the details

Remember that laundry room cabinet we have been trying to get for 6 months now? It was supposed to be installed around the end of April...finally after 2 emails and a voicemail yesterday (over the past 2 weeks) I got an email back from the cabinet lady. They do now have the cabinet, but she is trying to schedule with her guys to install and they are super busy. She should know more next week. Which likely means next month. 

Did I mention were supposed to go to Texas in mid July? Surprise 60th birthday party for dh's best friend. Sounds like a good idea, but details to work out. What to do with our dog? and chickens? dh isn't very inclined to want to drive our 11 year old car that distance. It's getting up there in miles. I just looked into renting a car from one of the car rentals outfits in our nearby city. It's showing absolutely zero cars are available? Can that really be? Maybe we should fly down. We could fly for $400 ea RT. Put the dog in boarding and ask one of the neighbors to check in in the chickens/get the eggs. DH also mentioned renting an rv to drive down, then we could take our dog with us. I told him he'd better be finding something fast then. Those book up and there aren't many for rent in our area. He'd rather do that then stay in motels. It's a 25 hour drive, so we'd have to stay in a hotel minimum 1 night, and that's if dh wanted to drive 12 hours a day (which he would). When we are down there I think we'd be staying at friends place, but haven't confirmed that yet.

The idea of a vacation and seeing our friends sound great.......the actual details, planning, and trying to figure it out not so much. Now, I don't even know for sure when it is! DH is the one who got the text from friends wife. He showed it to me. I swear it said the party was July 17. That's when I looked at my calendar to see if that would work with taking off work and needing to do any payrolls. Now, he's on the phone with someone about going down there and I heard him say August....what in the heck. Either he's losing his mind or I am! As soon as he gets off the phone I will clarify. Ya, it's July, LOL

And then to add to the details, friends wife wants to buy her hubby a muscle car for his birthday. A specific year/make/model and she wants dh to find it for her, as he knows more than she would what friend would want. Her budget is $40k. So, dh has spent the past few days looking, talking to a few people (of course all over the country). It sounds like he found the one yesterday that is in Wyoming. The guy is going to facetime dh later this morning to show him the car "in person", since dh doesn't want to drive 11 hours to look at it. So, now with it being on the way to drive to Texas and we have a car trailer, dh will also be the one to deliver it, which means we'll have to take his pick up on the drive to Texas. UGH!! It is the loudest (diesel) and not comfortable at all for a trip. The guy also offered to meet dh about 3 hours from us, where his daughter lives and then dh could store it here until July. Or the guy said he would store it until July, when we'd pick it up on our way down, which is probably what we will do.

We will probably just take our dog with us. DH doesn't want to leave him in boarding. He would be so confused. In 9 years he's rarely spent a day without dh, and if he did he still had me at home. 

That's why vacations are never very fun for me. I feel like I have to have every little detail figured out and planned. That's great for dh - he feels like he just had a great vacation, haha. Me, I feel like it sucked all the fun out of it.

Then my mom calls that she got a letter to do jury duty. I guess her guy friend got one too. He told her just to call and tell them she's 80 and has some memory problems. I offered to call for her and she jumped right on that. I just told them she's 80, living in assisted living and doesn't drive anymore, so they permanently excused her. Done.

The nurse person for the life insurance health screening is coming at 11am. She said to fast at least 4 hours, so I got up a bit before 7 and had a piece of toast and my coffee. She also said drink lots of water as she will be doing a blood draw and needs a urine sample.

My new clothes I ordered from Kohl's came UPS last night. All good except the shoes are too big/loose on me. Bummer. I have narrow feet, but usually socks make them ok, but since these are slip on and also the tops cover only about half the top of my foot they look dumb with socks. If it's too much to pay shipping to return, I guess I can make time to take into Kohl's next week. I quickly tried the jeans on, but I think I am going to really like them. Fit really good and soft and stretchy. I'll wear them today and see, but if I like them I'm going to order another color or two.


  1. rental cars are basically unavailable. during Covid, when most people weren't traveling, car rental companies had to sell off most of their fleet to stay in business. Now auto parts are extremely hard to get so they aren't able to rebuild the inventory very quickly. when you can get a rental car, it's very expensive. I've heard of people renting U-Haul trucks when cars aren't available.

    1. oh! I hadn't heard that. Makes sense. We probably could rent one of those to pull the trailer haha!

  2. When you are the planner, it CAN take all the fun out of the trip - so I understand that completely. Hopefully once dates are confirmed, you can easily get the vehicles and chicken watch sorted!

    1. I remember one trip years ago (part business/part fun) we made with another couple, while dh had to go to a meeting one day. The whole day was basically planned by her dh and I loved it. I didn't have to figure out a thing, LOL.

  3. I love planning trips. I think, it is the little control freak who lives in my brain who loves such stuff. I think you should leave your dog with your neighbor. They are used to having a bunch of them around. Lol!

  4. Just dont mention to anyone else you are going anywhere and tell the chicken person not to mention it either. I also read people are renting uhauls. That is a big responsibility to haul a car. Maybe wife can provide the insurance?

    1. it will just be our 2 neighbors we tell (and they will be the chicken watchers, most likely). That is a good concern about the insurance, I hadn't thought of that yet. I will have dh ask her. She owns an insurance company - I'm sure it won't be a problem for her LOL!
