Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Nothing's working right today

Two more work days. I can make it ;). Today I have to do payroll and the monthly state business tax return. Ugh to both. Lots of people taking vacation this week, with the holiday weekend.

The results from my blood draw and urine sample was uploaded to the life insurance website this morning. Everything is all good, except 2 parts are just into the warning zone: Urine Creatine and Protein/Creatine ratio. Not sure what that would mean, so will take the results in with me when I go to my annual check up in July. The only thing I found info on for the first test is this would then probably be tested with urine samples for a 24 hour period, for more accurate reading. My doctor has never even done a urine test on me. Just blood.

I have 2 hummingbird feeders. One has a little bar they can sit on while they drink. I was watching one sitting there around dinner time last night. He had his head down in drinking. Usually they dip their beak in and lift their head up and keep doing that. This one just had his head down for the longest time. I was starting to get worried about it! Apparently 2 other birds were too. One landed next to him to drink (the usual way) and another buzzed overhead. He still had his head down! Finally, the one buzzing came down and nudged it, LOL. After that he seemed to drink normally, but he sure stayed there for a long time.  

While I seem to have managed to get over most of the payroll processing bumps the past few months, this one isn't going smoothly. First it was on THEIR schedule I was to process it today, a day early, because Monday is a bank holiday. So, then when I try I get an error message telling me I'm a day too early...I email our contact person who for once emails me back right away that she fixed the problem. (but then I get an email saying she is on vacation today, so call their helpline if need help).I get it all entered and ready to "accept" and that option is grayed out with some other strange error message I've never seen. I tried logging out to see if it reset, but no luck. Waited a bit and tried again. Same problem. So, I called and was told their system is being slow and to just wait about 15 minutes or so and try again, it should work. I didn't tell her I already tried this, but I waited about 30 minutes and still not working. I'll give it to early afternoon and call again, if it's still not working.

I'm also getting super frustrated with our online banking bill pay. I keep getting classifications and emails that bills I paid have not been received by the vendors. My "system" is I enter the bills to be paid in bill pay online. I click on the corresponding bills in my accounting system to pay. I do not click on "Pay bills" in my accounting system until I have completed the process via  online banking first. When that is showing as complete, I then submit the final click in my accounting software. I am getting way too many that are showing as paid in my accounting program that are nowhere to be found in bill pay! I am going to start tracking this, and if it keeps happening I'm going to have to contact our banker. Hmmm. I just entered like 5 bills to pay and before I hit submit I screen shot it, hit submit and none of the payments are showing as pending.

Just a fun day "at the office" LOL


  1. After losing a whole post when I was exhausted, I have been sitting trying to save the post I just finished. But, the tv and internet service keep going off and I cannot save. So, computer problems, too, just different. I hope you get it figured out about your bank. That would be so annoying.

    1. it's still frustrating day and the online bill pay happened again!

  2. Not a doctor or nurse, don't even play one on television but two things with your urine from personal experience: Speaking from experience with a diabetic family member, higher creatinine levels in urine can mean that the kidneys are losing their function due to diabetes/pre-diabetes. It's just something to watch/amend with diet. In my actual case, when I was dancing 6 hours/week, and running 4 miles/day, whenever I had to give a fasting sample while pregnant, I always, and I mean ALWAYS had high end of normal creatinine on the fasting tests, no doubt because I was dehyrdrated. But, of course, I always had to have more blood drawn to rule out kidney stones/kidney infection, until the fourth pregnancy when I just refused.

    1. I was diabetic with both my pregnancies, but have never had it since, but like I said, no urine samples have been taken by my doctor.

    2. I will be sure to show the results to my doctor when I go in for my annual checkup.

  3. I was surprised that you only had to fast 4 hours for a urine sample.
    Usually they tell you to fast from after dinner the night before. For diabetes anyway. Hopefully it's nothing.
    Something tells me you will make it thru the payroll maze, because that's what you do! Sorry for the frustration involved.
    I saw the prettiest red bird today. He was a deep bright red with black wings. Not a cardinal for sure. Birds are fascinating:)

    1. I think it was only 4 hours because it's just for a life insurance screening, maybe? I'm still waiting on a payroll resolution. After my 2nd call I got a different answer, LOL.

  4. Replies
    1. We have Western Tanager's here that I saw one the other day, but they are a bright yellow :)
