Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Another fun morning

So, it's Wednesday morning and it's still "payroll day". That payroll I was supposed to submit yesterday still is not! At 4pm or so yesterday my boss tried to call the payroll company. She was on hold just trying to get through to the right dept for at least 15 minutes. I'm not sure if she got through to someone, but she said she got cut off, so said let's just wait until morning. Our payroll person is supposed to be back today, so I sent her an email with our issue, so she'd see it first thing this morning. Still waiting to hear. This morning I sent a message on our "case ticket" and my boss just now emailed an Urgent email. She said she spent a half hour on hold to finally talk with someone, who put her on hold and then got disconnected and the person didn't call her back! (my boss wasn't going to try to call back herself, it would have just been another half hour on hold trying to get to through)

And yesterday was an issue with my side job payroll company. One of the employees was looking for a copy of his 4/30 paystub and was not seeing it online. I looked an no one's was showing. I emailed and was told they've now been uploaded.  Still not seeing them, so was told to wait about 45 minutes. 2 hours later still not seeing them. Apparently, the person I was emailing couldn't figure it out, so I finally said can you just email me a copy of his stub? I think he needs it right away for loan purposes, so I got it to him that way.

DH gets a text from Mr. Neighbor yesterday. Guess what? You guessed it. The son's dogs are coming back this weekend. Apparently son has gotten a temporary deployment for 30 days to another area, so the whole family is going and of course can't take the dogs. Dh texted back that those poor dogs just need a permanent change of address. It would just be easier on everyone at this point. They should just rehome those dogs. The son and DIL obviously have no connection with their dogs.

When I talk to my mom she is at least remembering that I am coming to see her, she just can't remember what day or time. This time, I will also call her tomorrow morning to remind her.

Ok, payroll finally resolved whatever the issue was. I think we are all still getting paid on Friday, LOL.

DH has decided to do the "upgrade" to his pickup. Spending a couple thousand on it (it is 20 years old and has never needed anything) on it is much cheaper then buying a new one. Though that still doesn't solve the issue that we will need to replace my vehicle sooner rather than later, but at least it won't need to be replaced before we go on our trip in July. We can figure out that plan a bit down the road. DH is really not wanting to ride with loud friend, so I think he's going to nix that plan. He ordered the parts and they are supposed to be here Friday, along with other parts he was able to purchase yesterday at our town auto parts store. They still didn't have a few bolts he needs, so he also ordered those online yesterday. Probably this weekend or next week, he'll be able to get started on it. Should keep him busy for awhile.

We haven't heard back from HVAC guy who said he would come out this week to do our air exchanger installation. Nor have I heard back from cabinet lady who said she should be able to get an install date figured out this week.

I just want my 5 days off.


  1. I think you're right about those dogs. Surely it would be kinder to all concerned if they were rehomed to people who actually wanted them. I don't envy you having to put up with them again!

    1. they seem to be pretty selfish people, so I'm guessing it hasn't even occurred to them that they are not treating the dogs well by uprooting them constantly.

  2. I wonder if they are so unkind and disconnected to their children. Deployment? What is his profession? I wonder why the whole family must go for such a short period of time.

    1. Their son is in the military. From what we've seen while visiting our neighbors, the son and DIL have their faces in their phones.

    2. I figured it was military. Do wives with so many kids and dogs go with husbands for just a month, I wonder? She probably to go so he can "help" with the kids. Or, to keep an eye on him. I know guys who were tdy were usually unfaithful.

    3. that's exactly what we were wondering! Even Mr in his text said he doesn't understand the military these days. I'm like their in the military - isn't that common for spouses and kids to have be on their own for deployments?

  3. HAPPY DAY! We are almost at the point in our new build where the superintendent is fully in charge. Building permit still in process, but should be released soon. We first had to sign a bedroom affidavit essentially saying we knew our septic was only for four bedrooms even though we could potentially have 5 bedrooms, also, even though the guy from the county said it didn't look like we needed a permit to clear for the well, we were required to have the Department of Natural Resources give us an informal conference note, saying that, in the process of putting in the well, we hadn't taken down any trees requiring a forestry permit. To do that, I had to meet with the forester on the property, and show him what we did. I met him last week on the acreage, and within 30 seconds he was shaking his head. He immediately knew we hadn't cleared the, get this, above the 5,000 BOARD FEET which would require a forestry permit. Once we got that, we needed to find somebody to clear a tree and some nettles the power company was requiring this before they would set up our pole. At first the contractor said he didn't have anybody who could do that. But, Friday, he emailed me saying the superintendent (who is the other owner of the contracting company) had his guy coming out on Weds. to get the tree down. I went to the lot yesterday to meet them, and who should be waiting but the superintendent! Excavator was an hour late. Superintendent called, and of course, no answer. With each minute, the superintendent was getting grumpier and grumpier until he finally bellowed, "I'm charging him for this hour, I'm using billable time, and I'm sure you've got other stuff you could be doing instead of standing around here." Right after that, he showed up, and three hours later, we were ready for our pole! I can't wait to turn this all back over to my superintendent!

    1. that's a lot of permits and rules! Thankfully we didn't have to deal with any of that in our build.

  4. Re: dogs. We lost both our dogs this year, one in January, one in April. I feel odd not having a dog, but as we are all getting older, kids (hopefully) heading off on their own lives, I don't see that happening. I was even getting to the point where I felt flashes of resentment having to care for, walk, and clean up after the dogs. There's such a difference between the idea of having a dog, and actually having a dog. At this point in my life, I'd be a terrible dog owner. Even the kids understand that it's not a good time to have a dog again, least of all a Labrador Retriever.

    1. Everyone keeps asking when we are getting another dog, but dh says no. for now I'm good with just the one dog. He's still a lot of work, LOL.
