Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Tuesday this and that

My mom's senior living place sent out an email that starting 5/31 they will be back to full dining and activities, no mask required if you've been vaccinated (95% have), but guests still need to wear one. She moved in just a year ago and has never lived there under "normal" rules. Full dining means they are expected to go to the dining room for each meal and if they want a meal in their room they have to pay $5 fee. They've only been dining by floor the past months, so I'm sure it will seem busy and crowded in that dining room come May 31st! I'm sure it will be good for her, too. More people to meet and chat with 3 x a day.

The welder guy dropped off the bracket he made for dh for the automatic gate opener, so today dh is going to work on getting that all working. Weather will be 61 today, a 20 degree drop from last few days. Hopefully we will just be able to push a button soon, to open that gate, haha.

We have not heard any more gun shots from across the hill, but yesterday both dh and Mr. Neighbor were mowing for a couple hours during the time he usually shoots, so if he did, no one was going to hear it. 

With my work's annual benefit renewal period I signed up for additional life insurance. I received an email from our payroll company I needed to fill out an online health questionnaire, which I promptly did a week or so ago. Yesterday I get a call from Quest Diagnostics asking if I've been contacted yet about doing a health screening? No..just the online questionnaire. Apparently someone "local" was supposed to call me to set up a time to come to my house to do blood pressure, blood draw, etc. She said the lady is in the town south of the city "so pretty close to you". I just chuckled to myself, remember what I went through getting a notary "way out here", so most likely that is why this lady has not bothered to call. She's an hour away. She gave me her phone number and asked me to call her to schedule the time. I called and left the lady a voicemail, but no reply yet. The insurance is supposed to start on 6/1.

One of my clothing items I ordered from Kohl's arrived. The zip up hooded sweatshirt. Very thin material, but it is cute. Kind of a gray lavender and goes with my nice tennis shoes I already have, that are a pale lavender. It looks like the rest of the order is coming later this week.

I made pizza for dinner last night and we ate a bit later, because dh had been busy with the welder guy when he stopped by. We also knew UPS guy was coming at some point during the evening and the live map showed he was getting closer. DH says put a slice of that pizza in foil and I'll give it to him when he gets here. Well, of course, it was a different guy (rarely is). We knew because our regular guy always texts dh he's 5 min out, so dh knows to meet him at the gate. No text and he pulls up to the gate and keeps tooting his horn, LOL. Ya, we're coming! geez. LOL. DH took the pizza out there anyway but the guy turned it down, saying he doesn't eat pork. oh well. now there's 2 slices left for lunch today, haha.


  1. I sure hope your mama can get to enjoying the in person benefits again. I am so glad to see 95% of folks are vaccinated in her place too. I hope the nurse gets in touch and is nicer than Pastor Notary - did not find him very charitable LOL

    1. The nurse did call and is coming Thursday. Pastor Notary wasn't very friendly at all.

    2. Honestly, that was so odd, but I guess pastors are human too. Pastor Notary gives me a good chuckle. That is great about the nurse!

    3. I haven't met someone (who deals with others for his living) very often quite so snooty as he was.

    4. He was not very nice at all, you're right so so odd.
