Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Mid week ramblings

We have this area of land between the road that is in front our of homes and the main road. Just a natural buffer area that is natural grasses (and weeds, of course) and a few small trees. The grasses can grow up quite tall, 2-3 feet. Last year dh mowed down the area in front of us and a little bit farther down (in front of next vacant lot). Mrs. Neighbor on the other side told her dh she really liked how that looked and wanted her Mr to mow theirs. But, their area is a bit more bumpy, rocky, and hilly and Mr. doesn't have something that can mow that rough of terrain. DH has a really old lawn mower he uses for that kind of stuff, so yesterday he mowed the area in front of their property. He sure didn't have to do that, but I'm sure they will appreciate it.

Our other neighbor came to fetch her wayward escaped dog. I see she got a new haircut, a short bob style, rather than her long hair. Looks super cute on her. Probably easier for being a mom of 2 young ones.

Then Mr. Neighbor texted dh that he was on his way home with a brand new riding lawn mower, which he's pretty excited about. I don't even want to know what a brand new one costs. We bought ours used off of Craigslist (both times haha). Dh and I were just saying to each other the other day now that they added more lawn, that sure is a lot to have to mow with a walk behind. The nice lawn they added on the other side of the fence between us sure looks nice. It kind of blends the 2 yards together (even though there is the field fence between us). Mr. Neighbor didn't get to bring his new lawn tractor home, it wouldn't fit in the back of his truck, so it will have to be delivered.

The annoying robin is back this morning, still trying to get in our house. Flit flit flit, against the windows. LOL. He's already woke dh up this morning. I have named him Tom......

And other sad news last night. Our friends (they are in their 70's) who just lost their son to cancer are both fighting Covid now. She is doing better than her husband right now. We are praying for them both. Their family has been through enough without this added on.


  1. Oh my I'm so sorry for your friends. I do hope they both pull through - they've been through such a lot already!

    1. I'm praying and hoping for a good update on them soon

  2. Ok, Why is that bird trying to get into your house? Thats so strange LOL.... Im really sorry to hear about your friends... Covid is a tough virus on anyone but to be older and get it is frightening. I pray they both come through well..

    1. I think it is seeing it's reflection and thinking it's a rival, haha

  3. 🙏 for the couple dealing with covid. Especially with their age that is no joke.
    I'm glad you were able to give your pup his shot.
    My husband was a serious mountain dew drinker like yours and it made him a prediabetic. I think it will tear your stomach lining up. They should take it off the market. My husband was addicted to the "dew".

    1. He's been drinking it at least since he was a teenager. At least 3 a day. That stuff is disgusting.

  4. Are you sure it wants in? Could it just be infatuated with the bird reflection? I hate when a bird gets into the house! I hope your friends recover.

  5. I just found out that a High School friend of mine's husband, son and daughter in law all have COVID. My friend is freaking out with all her loved ones being sick. I hope both of our friends and families recover soon.

  6. Sad for your friends. Hope they both recover. I'm sure they are terrified - things seem to change very quickly (going from OK to bad)with COVID. Unfortunately, I would bet your husband is headed towards a slew of health issues down the road. That much sugar is so, SO bad for you in so many ways, & leads to other issues (heart disease, diabetes, hard on your teeth). Too bad you can't get him on the wagon - imagine the $$ you'd save!

    1. I'm sure you are right with the issues dh's sugar intake is going to cause (and likely already is). Only he can decide to take care of himself

    2. I’m so surprised that your friends weren’t already vaccinated at that age and having vulnerable son. Hope they do well.
