Sunday, May 30, 2021

A new addition

DH wasn't really going to do much yesterday, as he was pretty tired and aching from working on his truck Friday. We made plans to go to the swap meet around 5pm, after eating an early dinner. But, as is his usual, once he gets going, he starts to feel better, so he worked on his pickup some more. I even had to help by laying on a creeper underneath (it's a lifted pickup so easy to get under) and holding a piece of exhaust while he clamped it on. But, just before that he had a transmission leak somehow. Then he spent while trying to figure out how the heck he did that. I laid on the creeper, but before I could push myself under the truck he noticed the leak and went off to clean that up. So, while I'm laying there I got a big black nose in my face and lots of kisses, LOL.

We went to the big swap meet and my plan of there being a lot less people at that time of day paid off, LOL. We got to park right near the entrance. We walked over to the area, where when we had been several years ago, the log carving guy was set up and sure enough that's where he was. But, he had sold out of all but 2 carvings! We liked one of them, but it seemed pretty big, like almost 2x what we were thinking. He said it was $400, but since it was end of the day and he was packing up to leave and not have to pack it up, he'd sell it for $350. We got to chatting with him and explained how we had looked at his stuff and talked to him about 4 years ago, but weren't ready for it until we built out house. Then the next year we were busy building and didn't go to the swap meet and then next year we were moving in that weekend and didn't go to the swap meet and then last year it was canceled. He said he remembered chatting with us (probably not LOL).

So, here is the bear, holding fish we got. Our dog woke up this morning, walked out into the main living area and barked, thinking someone was at the door!

I don't know what it is about weekends that my mom has to call me several times during the day. She doesn't do that (rarely) during the weekdays. 4 calls yesterday. First was in the morning, asking if I called her. She is apparently checking her phone all the time now, for some reason, and seeing the previous call, so thinking she missed my call. Then she called a couple hours later, asking me the same thing. Then a couple hours later, she couldn't remember if she told me but apparently she has someone named Martha coming on the 8th at 8am. I told her that was the insurance health screening and I canceled that for her and to just throw that note away (she won't, of course). Then she called about 20 minutes later wondering where her checks are. I went through that again and again she says "well, how do I write my check for rent?" Again, your rent comes out of your account automatically since the first of the year.

DH spent the evening after we got home figuring out his leak. He's been watching lots of video and reading forum boards about this and it sounds like he bumped the dipstick for the transmission fluid and how they made them back in 1999 there is no o-ring or something and any little bump breaks the seal and ruins the dip stick. He must have bumped it while taking off his exhaust system. So, we had to pay another $90 and order one. 

Today I'm going to spray everything the deer like to eat. It's been a month since I last did it, plus I have all the flowers planted, they will eat. DH will probably mow the lawn. He's having to do it every 4 days now.

Ok, now I'm ticked off. I went to look at my mom's cell phone call log. Friday morning that company who does the health screenings for BCBS called her and they talked for 11 minutes. Then my mom called their number........get this 8 times over the next 2-3 hours!! What in the hell! Then I saw the email where it was scheduled late Friday afternoon and I called and cancelled it. This morning I get another email reminding about the appointment (not to mention it's scheduled at 8am, right when it's her breakfast dining time). I go to look at her call log and see all those calls. PLUS, they called her again yesterday TWICE. The first time was for 11 minutes and they called back 2 hours later for 4 minutes. What in the hell are they calling so much for. I will be calling them and Blue Cross Blue Shield first thing Tuesday morning. This is crap. And I blocked this number from calling her again.


  1. That health check stuff sounds fishy. Good thing that you blocked that number but, I have a feeling, they can use different numbers. I found this online:
    I wish there was an app so your phone would ring too when someone calls her. May be there is?

    1. I looked up the company and apparently it is legit and they are contracted by Medicare Advantage to do in home health screenings. But, still very fishy for them to call her again yesterday after I had called and cancelled the day prior. I did log into her health insurance plan and apparently, while I had set the account up with my email, I used her cell#, so I have changed that to mine going forward.

    2. and thank you for the article link - but apparently I need a subscription to WSJ to read the whole thing :(

  2. I commented the other day about the calls from health insurance companies for health screenings. But even worse for me are the never ending calls and letters from pharmacists who want to go over my prescriptions with me. They have the blessings of my health insurance people as I know since I called about it. They never give up--sometimes calling more than once a day. There must be big money involved for them to be so persistent. I went along with it once several years ago, and I was on the phone for an hour discussing the pro and cons of everyone of my many prescription. My doc goes over them every time I see her, so it's pointless.

    1. I so agree! She/I do not need to go over all this with someone who is not her doctor. I was really nice when I called Friday to cancel the appointment. I'm not going to be so nice the next call.

  3. I'm not sure, something I will have to check into. I've been holding off as long as possible to get her a new cell phone (she has an old flip phone) but there are a couple specifically made for seniors with issues like hers that I will check into more. I think they are very limited in what calls can be taken/made.

  4. Those people never give up and just use another number to call again. Are they able to get to your mother where she lives, or do they have to go through an office at her place. I would tell the place she lives that no one is supposed to visit her and tell them the problem. The jitterbug is supposed to be good, but I don't know of others by name to get her a phone you can control. I think this is elder abuse.

    1. that's what I'm worried about, too. They are just going to show up on the 8th and try to see her. They would have to check in the front desk, so that's a good idea to tell them.

  5. Oh, forgot to say that I like the bear. Where did you get the fish? What did dog think of the bear once he was outdoors with it?

    1. the fish is part of the carving into the log. The dog is fine with it outside, just sniffs, but I think it startled him this morning, seeing something at the window in the door, LOL.

  6. The sad thing is they get paid money for each assessment and back or knee brace you really don’t need but according to the tv ads Medicare pays for it so you might as well!! Well the sad thing is we all pay for it one way or the other. It’s just a big money grabbing business and they should leave your mom and the rest of the seniors alone. I can’t tell you the number of calls I get a week from Medicare supplement plans that have a lie line such as asking me if I’ve got my new Medicare card just sent out ..... meaning they want me to sign up for theirs . I’m retired government and when I mention I have their Medicare supplement plan click/hang up!

    1. I looked up the company and you are exactly right. They get paid by Medicare Advantage, I'm sure once they complete a visit, so they are persistent. My mom is also getting mail all the time about other supplement plans and it confuses her so bad and I have to keep reminding her she already has her plan and these are just others trying to sell theirs.

  7. Something doesn't seem legit with the insurance bit. They're too persistent for one thing.
    The bear with fish is cute. I'm glad you finally got one. They're addictive. I like the ones that can hug a tree or something. Cuteness galore:)

    1. I know, now I want a bear for the back patio, LOL. I want to complain to Blue Cross, but I'm sure I'd just be talking to a low level employee and won't do any good.
