Monday, May 10, 2021

Back to work Monday

Hope all you mom's had a nice mother's day or got to enjoy your mom yesterday. I went and picked my mom up Saturday. I had told her the day before I'd pick her up at 11am. She called like 3 times the next half hour or so because she kept forgetting (and forgetting she wrote it down) what time. Then on my way to get her she calls and I say I'm on my way and she's like oh...were were doing that today? She totally forgot :(

I gave her some extra time to get ready and went and got my groceries picked up first. I had just done a smaller order, since I just got some a week ago. We got back to my house and had some lunch. Dinner I made meatloaf. In the evening I turned on the movie Hidden Figures, thinking she would like that one. About 5 or 10 minutes into it she picks up her crossword book and says she's just going to do that. Then I explained to her what the movie was about and she did watch it and seemed to enjoy it quite a bit, though towards the end every time there was a commercial she kept asking is it over?

Sunday morning a bit later, dh made blueberry muffins and I made scrambled eggs, sausage, OJ and put some mixed fruit in a bowl. When she stays overnight now she always seems ready to get back the next morning, even if I tell her we'll wait until after lunch, she'll end up bringing her stuff down, thinking we are leaving soon,  and saying she is ready any time, so we left about 11 to take her back. Like I told dd, at this point one night here or 3 nights, it's all about the same in her mind now.

We facetimed with dd. She sent me nice gifts of a TJ Maxx gift card and some "personalized" egg cartons, LOL. They are blank cardboard egg cartons and 2 stamps I can stamp that the eggs come from em/my chickens. Cute! I gave my mom a big bag of Ghirardelli chocolates.

After I dropped mom off I went to the garden center dh and I had gone to last week. It was a zoo! And I realized they charged me for the wrong ones last week, that were higher priced. Luckily I had my receipt and explained to the girl what happened and she credited me the difference towards the 2 I bought today. I looked for some creeping phlox but didn't find any, so went to Lowes, which was even more of a zoo. I found some there and got 9 pots of it, along with a few more bags of potting soil. Too many people. The line to pay in the garden center was like practically to the back of the garden area. I've decided that when I go back in a couple weeks for all my annuals I'm taking a day off work and doing it on a weekday morning. The crowd size should be pretty minimal then, I hope.

I got back home at 2pm. We had thought we were going to put these 2 half whiskey barrels on each side of the front door. I was explaining to dh about the price mix up and that she had charged us for the more expensive dark brown ones. He said he didn't remember seeing them. As he's setting one on the patio, I said, I think here at the front door those dark brown ones would look much nicer and he thought they would too, so he put the 2 I just bought in another spot and next trip I will pick up 2 of the nicer ones. I went down on the back rockery "landing" area where he put the 3 barrels we bought last week, and planted in the phlox on the front sides of each, so eventually they will drape over. Plus, they will grow back every year, so that's a plus.

Well, I have to give my pup the first of the shots today (well, the vet gave him the first one, to show me how). I'm nervous! He mentioned something about try to get the air out of the needle (he mumbles and he was so fast) but it's not that big of deal he said, I guess as it's just going into his back neck muscle area. I'll probably try to find a youtube video on how to do it, haha. From the supply the vet gave me, after I give the remaining 2 shots per week for the month, then I will have enough for 3 more monthly shots, so I won't need a refill for awhile. It was $220 for the 20cc's of the medicine, so when I get to monthly that works out to $22 a month. He said that is a bit cheaper than doing the Ostifen pills and this medication is supposed to actually improve the joints, not just for pain (Ostifen) and usually no side effects, while the pills can have side effects.

Dh seems to be feeling worse lately. Just not being able to work through the pain as well. I'm sure it hasn't helped that he has put most of the weight back on that he lost during the building of the house (me too ha!). And he spent a good deal of the winter months not being active at all, so now trying to get active again on a more daily basis, to do the yard work, etc, is a challenge.


  1. When I used to take my Aunt out, it was the opposite, she would linger for ages. But she was not in the living situation your mama is in, so a trip outside was heaven for her. At least you don't need to feel badly for just keeping her one night, she seems to prefer that at any rate. I hope doing the shots goes well, isn't it amazing there is a YouTube video for everything now. Once it warms up. hopefully DH will be more active - we have all gained back weight because of the pandemic - less movement, more munching haha!

    1. it is good my mom likes her place and I'm sure she's probably just more comfortable there. I know I'm always more comfortable in my own surroundings

  2. At least your mother is still aware she is in different places and that she has another place to live! That would seem to indicate she is happy either place, a good thing. I doubt she would be less happy staying for a few days. She would probably always be trying to leave. Maybe with warm weather and a little effort your husband's part, and working more, he can lose a little of the weight to make working easier. I always hope that for me,

    1. I think she enjoys coming for a visit, but also does really like her place and activities and routine.
