Friday, May 21, 2021


Our new gate opener controllers have a button called "party". It's called party mode, so you can leave the gate open and not have it close automatically. I told dh we need to rename it to "people who are staying too long" mode, LOL. 

I gave the nurse lady directions the other day. I told her GPS probably won't work, as our address still doesn't seem to be on it. It's like the easiest directions. Take the exit #, turn right and then turn left on the frontage road. Stay on it 5 miles to our street on your left. She calls and says when I take the exit am I turning by the Exxon? I'm like are you in town? We are 10 miles before town LOL. She said no, she was looking on her gps and that's where it was showing she was going to go. So, I gave her the directions again. When she was here she said her gps wanted to take her all the way to town and then back our here on the old hwy. I said ya, that would have been about 20 miles extra out of your way! She took my blood, took my urine, took my blood pressure (118 over 73, I think she said) and was gone in about 20 minutes or so. She said my results will be available online in about 2 weeks and I'll get my updated quote, depending on my results, I guess. If they for some reason up it too much, I'll have to re think. The quote I got when signing up through work was $16/mo.

It sounds like the muscle car dh found for our friend's wife, in Wyoming, is the one she's going to get him. Now we can at least get some of the other details worked out. It's about 11 hours from us to where that car is. That's a full day of driving, plus the time to get it loaded, dh to talk and talk, get something to eat. So, we will probably just get a motel in that town. Then drive to within a few hours of our friends place (near Dallas), which will be another 10 or 11 hour driving day, somewhere just south of Amarillo. The party is noon on Saturday, so we can drive the rest of the way Saturday morning. She wants dh to take it to a friends a few miles from them, unload it, and then wants him to drive the car into their place. We will be the last at the party, as she wants everyone to be there to surprise him when he gets back from doing something with another friend. Then she's going to tell him she has one more gift/surprise for him and have us pull in with his muscle car. Everyone just keeps saying "he's just going to be bawling like a big baby!" LOL.  DH asked her about staying at their place or do we need a motel? Since she is inviting quite a few out of towners, she is paying for motel rooms, so that is really nice. But, after the party/surprise is over it sounds like we can stay at their house if we want. I'm sure we'll stay an extra couple days, for sure. We're also tossing around the idea of me just flying back home, while he drives back. Only because his truck is not comfortable for trips, at all. We could drop my car off at the airport here on the way out, it's only like $54 to park for a week, and then my car would be there waiting, when I flew back. Just an idea, We'll see. It's only about a $200 one way flight, but it is 1 stop and like over 5 hours. By the time we'd drive from their house to the airport, get me there early to check in, 5+ hours home, another 35 minutes drive - geez, we'd already be over 8 hours towards home, if I just rode with dh in the truck.

DH already did the sightseeing with them when he went down there by himself a few years ago, but I haven't been. Well, I have been to Dallas before, but we were there for dh's neurology testing and we literally went from the airport to hotel, got up next morning and spent all day at the neurology place, went back to the hotel and ate and slept. Went back to the dr. the next morning for results (which was a big "we don't know") and then we went to the airport and flew home. My only other trip to Texas was a business trip to Houston, which was basically the same type of deal. Fly in that  night, go to hotel. Did   1 1/2 days of training and fly back that afternoon. The only thing I got to see there was some restaurant they took us all to for dinner that night.

I don't know why Friday's at work always seem to be the day everyone sends me Purchase order and invoicing requests. They must save them up all week, LOL.


  1. I forget just how big the States are - but damn, all that driving would do my head in!!!! I know the roads are not like European roads (small and windy) but still, I would just hate that! I no longer even drive to England (a 10 hour drive to the border) because I hate it. Still, it sounds like your friend will have a wonderful birthday and a wonderful surprise (thanks to your DH)!

    1. I forget just how big Texas itself is! I was thinking, oh it's like a 1000 miles to where he lives. Nope 1700 miles, LOL.

  2. Flying back would be nice but a long drive for your husband alone.

    1. he doesn't mind driving or driving alone at all. (old trucker, LOL)
