Thursday, May 13, 2021

Clothes and diet

The gun guy across from us hasn't been doing it as often, though yesterday he was out in full force, like every few minutes for a couple of hours. Our Mr. Neighbor bought a new gun he wanted to try out so he went over to the actual gun range to try it out. He said he forgot to bring ear protection and his ears were still ringing. Like dh said, I'm sure the asshat over on the hill shooting all the time (big stuff) wears ear protection, so it probably sounds louder to us across the hill than to him!

DH is up and ready this morning to go into town to renew his drivers license. Our little office is apparently only open one day a week LOL. Probably helped a bit, to get him up earlier, that our new bird friend was busy tapping on a window, haha. We did pull down the blinds built in the french door windows, which helped quite a bit. I think I'm going to have to tape something temporary to the other big windows until he decides he's ready to move on. DD had a robin build a nest up on top of a ladder they left leaning against their house. They hatched and the last one flew off yesterday.

I really need some new jeans and a few new tshirts. I hate shopping. So, yesterday I went on Kohl's online and decided to buy some stuff that totaled at least $75 so I'd get the free shipping. Why do I always search and search and then my cart is $1 short? LOL. Then I remembered to put in a coupon code so I was even more under $75. Added another shirt and $1.45 short. Good grief. Finally, I just decided to add some slip on sneakers to the cart. I have a whole new outfit now, for a little over $100. Jeans, 3 tops, a zip up hooded sweatshirt, socks and shoes. I am hoping I like the jeans. Those are the hardest for me to find, always. These are supposed to be a more soft stretchy jean so I'm hoping they fit nice and are also comfortable.

I haven't been on a scale in forever. We left our scale out in the shop bathroom and I rarely ever go out there. I decided to to check. Ugh. About 7 more than I hoped it was and even then that's pushing it. Time to cut out the desserts and snacks! I really don't eat a lot as far as meals go, so it's obviously the snacks, cookies and ice cream, ha! Breakfast I have a cup of coffee with 2 tsp sugar and a little creamer. About an hour later I have a glass of instant breakfast with milk, which isn't a lot of calories. Lunch isn't much as I'm not much of a lunch eater. Typically, a piece of toast or english muffin. Sometimes a small serving of leftovers instead, if I have some. Dinner is a normal meal, but I don't eat huge portions. Like if we have pizza, I have 2 slices. Plus, we've been trying to have a couple of "lighter" dinners a week. Like just a sandwich or even cereal. Maybe it's helped and I would have been even more unhappy with the scale a few weeks ago, LOL. 

With the vet visit, the medications (pills and shots) I forgot it was time to give pup his flea and tick application. Realized it by having bites on my leg. LOL. Fleas and mosquitos love me. Needless to say, I gave him his flea and tick stuff this morning.


  1. It seems like even when we watch what we eat, at a certain age, it just is harder. I'm trying to move more as eating less (and of course snacks that just seem to be present) doesn't seem to do much alone. I just ordered four dresses and a light sweater form Kohls, though will likely only keep two dresses. Since we can't try things on in stores, I figured this is best option. I have back to back weddings this month, and haven't had a new dress in four years. I hope I like at least two of the four! The sweater is to go with two of the four-I already have something that will work for the other two if I decide to keep those.

    1. that's a smart idea to order several and pick from them. Last new dress I had was 2 years ago for dd's wedding. Not that I wear a dress any other time, haha.

  2. When I do go to a store, I buy more than I need because someething will not fit. I need clothes right now! I am trying to eat less and move more. I wonder if the gun guy can still hear. I am so curious as to why he is shooting.

    1. I really need some new clothes too! I have an update on gun guy coming this morning.
