Tuesday, May 11, 2021


I managed to give the dog the injection. Whew! It wasn't as bad to do as I thought. The giving it actually turned out pretty easy, it was trying to fill the syringe with exactly 2cc's and make sure no bubbles, etc that seemed harder to me. I'm sure it will get easier. Pup just sat there and didn't flinch, he was a good boy.

My uncle called last night because he had tried to call my mom a couple times the past 2 days and went to her voicemail.I said well, Sunday her phone died, she didn't bring her charger to my place, and I'm not sure what time she got it charged. Not sure about yesterday. After I hung up I gave her a call and she answered. She was watching a tv show with her "guy friend", so I told her uncle has tried calling, so give him a call when she's not busy, LOL.

Even trying to rest up for a couple days after doing some extra activity/work around the place, dh just isn't feeling well. I think he's kind of a catch22, too. He's a Mountain Dew addict. When he's tired and in pain he drinks more. Where he was drinking 3 (sometimes 2) per day. Now he's drinking 4 or 5. All that sugar is not good, obviously. I know last time he went to the dr. (which has now been a few years ago) he was borderline on blood sugar levels he should be at. Drinking those high sugar/high calorie sodas every day also adds to his weight, which makes him feel crappy and so on. But, he knows all this, yet is one of those who doesn't want to listen, doesn't want to go to the doctor, or if I can actually get him to go, doesn't want to listen to their advice. So, it is what it is. 

I don't drink soda hardly ever. I never buy it for me, so the only time I might have it is at a restaurant or fast food and if I do order something to drink, it's usually an ice tea or lemonade. After not drinking any for so long, most soda tastes too sweet and sugary to me. Now, not to say I don't have sugar! I totally have a sweet tooth and can and will eat anything chocolate, cake, cookies and donuts, LOL. But, at least those aren't typically consumed on a daily basis.

There is this bird trying to get in the house this morning LOL. He's on the back patio and keeps trying to get through the window glass, haha. He's persistent. Not a type I've seen before. Kind of looks like a robin, but bigger and his breast is more yellow then red. I'll have to look him up in my bird book.

My hair seems to be getting curlier all the time...and more frizzy looking. I did manage to do a pretty good job cutting some layers into it a week or so ago. Getting better with practice and the layers helped it lay better. I also got some leave in conditioner last weekend that seems to help, too. At least softens the frizz and makes the curls better. DH took a picture of me and my mom. Even though I tend to shy away from pictures the older I get, I knew I would want a picture with my mom. It was a good hair day, LOL, plus I put on makeup for a change, haha, and the picture actually turned out pretty good. I even cropped it and used it in my work email picture. I've never had one, it's always just shown my initials, but I realized I always like seeing everyone else's, especially the new people I haven't met yet, I can put a face with the name. Not everyone has a picture, but a lot do. I spent most of my 30's and 40's where everyone thought I was way younger than I was. Now I don't feel like that, haha. Maybe because I gave up trying to dye my hair and went natural white. Not to mention age just catches up with us all, does it not?! I remember when I was about 36 and doing a job interview with the dr's office I would work at. He was a pediatrician, so something came up that I had 2 school aged kids and his eyes got big and he said "what? did you have them when you were 12?!" I said no, actually I didn't even have the first one until I was 27, LOL.

My boss said her hubby was over in our area last weekend, on a fishing trip. I told her next time he comes over, come with him, have him drop her off at my house and she can spend the weekend sitting on my back patio, LOL. She said she would love that :)

It's payroll processing day. Finally a pretty quick and easy one. No one on leave, not to many vacation days to figure out and compare to the calendar. We did have one terminated so I had to adjust his salary to only pay him for one week. It actually all went quick and easy. Now just waiting for boss to review the report. I sent my side job contact my regular email reminding her I'll need their sick and vacation info. (she's not the owner/wife I usually deal with and am friends with). She was so sweet to ask how my dog is doing, as when we emailed last payroll I had to do their payroll a day early because of his surgery, so I had told her about it.

I just put in to take the 2 days off before Memorial weekend, so that will make for a nice long weekend and I can make the trip into the city garden center Thursday morning and hopefully avoid the weekend crowds.


1 comment:

  1. Gray/white hair is less smooth. I still have clerks ask me if I am over 60 for senior discount. But, I think I look my age. Tommy says I don't. I feel it anyway. Tell your husband that being diabetic is not fun. I have to be so careful with injuries or scratches since I don't want an overwhelming infection. I love Mt. Dew! However, if I buy one, I only drink a bit and pour it out. I don't need the sugar or the caffeine because of heart.
