Monday, May 3, 2021


I spent a couple hours with my mom yesterday afternoon, for her birthday. Her sweater and top were the right size, and she really seemed to like them. When I showed dd a picture of them she thought grandma would love them. I also brought some of the cupcakes I made, which it seemed she appreciated. My uncle did give her a quick call while I was there to sing her happy birthday. We also facetimed with dd for a few minutes. She seemed to be doing really well, other than she always seems to have a hard time remembering her "boyfriends" name, usually if she can't remember she just says "that guy I've been seeing", she doesn't too often mix up names, but during this conversation with dd she referred to her boyfriend twice by dd's husbands name. I did also check her cell phone call log this morning just to see who actually took the time to call and wish her a happy birthday. My dd, my uncle and my aunt (her other brother's ex wife). No call from any of the step siblings.

I stopped in TJ Maxx before I got to her place and ended up buying a smaller trailing fake plant that I put on my bathroom half wall ledge. I looked at their saute pans with lids, but all the lids were fastened on and I couldn't see inside the pans to see if the middle bows up, so I didn't end up buying anything. After leaving moms I got my groceries picked up and then a quick stop at Lowe's for a pitchfork. It was busy in there and they had one cashier and the self checkout was a line. I hate when stores don't have their registers open to get people through quicker. At least have 2 open!

While I was gone (and I think he had started on it before) dh made me a Mother's Day gift that he couldn't wait until Mother's Day to give me, and he wanted to know what color stain I would want. He made me a little "chicknic table" LOL. It's adorable and I'm sure the chickens will love it. I think he's actually going to stain this project himself, since he doesn't want me to have to stain my own gift, haha.

I also picked up dh a dry erase board with my grocery order. He wants to hang it inside the garden shed so he can write down what lawn fertilizer and stuff he uses and how much, so he'll remember for the next time. (and not have to ask me!)

Weirdness early this morning at like 4am. DH woke up to go to the bathroom. When he opened his eyes he noticed our back bedroom wall was lit up. He got up and went into the bathroom and out the bathroom window (which faces out front towards the road) he could see headlights shining on the front of our house. He couldn't tell if it was on our street, on the old highway parallel to it, or on the forest service dirt road on the other side of that. Either of the first 2 roads the vehicle would have to be sideways in the road to do that! He went to the bathroom and then walked out to the front door and it was still there, though since it's dark all's he can see is the headlights and still couldn't see exactly where it was coming from. He went into the laundry room to get his shoes and coat on but by then it was gone. Very strange. There is nothing out here, for a mile on either side of us, but the 3 houses on our street.


  1. I'm glad your mom had a nice birthday, even if she can't remember her boyfriend's name (lol)! That business about the headlights would spook me though - probably because I live alone!

    1. We're thinking it was either someone dumping their garbage (haven't gone over to check) or Mr. Neighbor said it's high school grad party time...

  2. Happy Birthday to your mom! I have forever been looking for not a sautee pan but, a sauce pan with a lid but, all I can find are smaller and shallower than I want. I had one that I really liked for a long time but it kicked the bucket a few months ago. Please do share the picture of the chicknic table. Lol!

    1. I want the pan deep and wide enough to do like a skillet meal in. When I read reviews for different ones on Amazon it appears most end up quickly getting that dome in the middle from heating.

  3. I would make a note of who called for her birthday and who did not in case there is any cause for them to say they care and keep in touch. Well, I suppose you just did on your blog. I am glad the sweater and top worked. The lights on the house are spooky. I would make sure all doors were locked. Your gift sounds cute.

    1. We do make sure to lock all our doors. Sometimes neighbors will leave for an hour or so and just leave their garage door open on purpose. Too risky for us, LOL.
