Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Ghosts of boyfriends past

I can't seem to get going with work this week. Must be time to take an actual week off, LOL. Dh has been busy the past 2 days with yard work/maintenance. He got the weed killer put down he uses in the rock/gravel areas and I think he also applied the lawn fertilizer. Today he is digging some rocky areas up on the rockery landings, to kind of set the whiskey barrels partway down in and then filling back up about halfway with the rocks he dug up and then potting soil the rest of the barrel. He's also adding a drip line from our sprinkler system so I won't have to water all these by hand. I'll fill them up with annual flowers each summer.

One of my facebook friends has been following this page of old history and pictures of where we grew up. She will click like or even share, so I see them sometimes. Last night I went to the Facebook page for it and was scrolling down through the posts. Someone posted a picture of an old poster of an event Labor Day weekend of 1982. Oh my! I was at that and surfaced a sweet memory I had not thought about in a very long time, of a boy I met that weekend.

I had graduated high school that June. My boyfriend (who years and years later married one of my best friends after they both divorced their first spouses) had broke up with me early summer and I recall going out on some dates with several guys that summer, but nothing clicked. All but one were just one date each. I really tried with one guy, who was 2 years older and a good friend of one of my friends boyfriend. He was very nice and respectful, but after like 4 or 5 dates over a couple of weeks, he still hadn't even tried to hold my hand or kiss me! I mean c'mon, he was 20 at the time and had had a popular cheerleader high school girlfriend, (when I was a sophomore). It's not like he never had a girlfriend, before. It just seemed kind of weird to me, I guess, and I felt like I couldn't figure him out, so I think I just didn't return his call or told him I wasn't available to go out and he got the hint. (not too many years ago I found out he died pretty young, but I can't now remember how she said he died).

Anyhow, I was still single and the Saturday night of Labor Day weekend I went out with a few girlfriends. Two were my best friends, the other girl I didn't know, she worked with one of my friends at JC Penneys, and we were actually going to a party in her area, so the 3 of us didn't know anyone. We stayed at a party at this one house for a short time and decided to leave. I think that girl was the one driving us in her car, since she knew where she was going. We were told of another party. It must have been some sort of kegger, but how it wasn't busted, I have no idea, LOL. It was at some "hall" type place and I remembered we had to pay a few bucks to get inside. The legal drinking age was 21, though I doubt there were many over that age there. I remember we got inside and were standing there watching. It was either a band or a DJ, I can't remember, but lots of music and dancing. Next thing I remember is this very drunk, very cute guy asking me to dance. 1982. Think longish feathered hair, LOL. We danced some and at some point it was time to go, as my friends wanted to leave and they were my ride. I remember the boy walked with me to the car and I gave him my phone number, pretty much thinking this boy is either going to lose it or not call me, LOL. I really didn't think he'd call me.

But, call me he did, the next day. I also remember my parents were gone somewhere for the long weekend, so I was home by myself that weekend. I sometimes now think that probably wasn't the smartest thing to go off with some guy I just met and no one knew I was! It was all fine though, thankfully.  He asked me to go out that night. It was Sunday, but Monday was the holiday. I gave him directions and he picked me up. He lived in the next town over. I don't think I knew exactly what we were going to be doing, but we ended up at some friends of his place. Two guys, one a bit older and they all decided to go to this event, kind of a music festival thing, so we all rode in the older guys car. When we got there, the 2 guys went off on their own and me and the boy spent the rest of the evening there by ourselves. He had the most prettiest eyes I've ever seen on a guy. I remember sitting outside from where the music was, near a fountain. I also remember as we were driving there with his friends one of them asked him where someone was, that gave me the teeniest idea that maybe he had a girlfriend, but she was out of town, maybe? Maybe he had a sister the guy was asking about. Since I had no idea who/what they were talking about, I didn't say anything. When we were sitting by that fountain he asked if I had a boyfriend and I said no, and that if I did I wouldn't be here with him....I probably should have asked him the same question, ha! Later we met up with his buddies and went back to his house (not the friends) and played pool awhile and the other 2 left (his parents were also gone for the weekend). Then he drove me home a little while after that. It had seemed to me like we totally hit it off. Neither us of seeming to want the night to end. I remember kind of being in a dream state for a couple of days, thinking of this amazingly cute guy. But, he never called me again. At first I was like maybe he lost my number, but then decided I'm sure he probably did have a girlfriend. He was too cute not to, haha. Even though he didn't call me again, it's still a good memory of a really good date. There was another boyfriend (the one who I actually thought was "the one", but that's another story) and a few other dates I went on between that weekend and meeting my husband, a year later.

It's funny how a memory can resurface, that you had pretty much forgotten about.


  1. That was a nice walk down memory lane! :)

  2. Sweet memory. A little scary too 'cause, you really did not know anybody but, went with them. I am glad it turned out to be a nice night out.

    1. I think I was a lot braver then and it was a much more innocent time then now. When I was 16 I was working evenings from 6pm to 9pm right downtown in a major city, driving there myself and parking out on the street in front of the building I worked in. I remember when my daughter was 16 - there is NO WAY I would have let her drive there, let alone at night.
