Thursday, April 1, 2021

Well dang!

So....breaking news last night....

let me back up to almost 3 weeks ago, when dh confronted that pilot guy about flying so low along the river, right next to our house. Ok, remember, he lives in the same neighborhood as the nut job who's been dumping magazine rounds. The guy also "threatened" to get a speed boat and start using the river. (this idea really pissed off our young neighbor down at the end of our street). So, the guy was trying to make nice with dh (in between all his bragging about himself) and kept saying to dh "you should come up for a ride in the airplane sometime". DH was like no way (he doesn't like flying much anyway). Then he said do you like motorcycles/dirt bikes? Nope...Then he's telling dh that you should come over next weekend, it's my birthday and I'm going to do a flip with my dirt bike. Dh is like huh? why? LOL. So, he shows dh a picture of a big air mattress type thing he bought to cushion his landing, apparently. He shows dh a little video of where he tried to practice just jumping over it (not flipping) but he came up short. DH said why would you want to do that? "oh man, it's on my bucket list. I just like thrills". I remember dh came home and told me this part of the story and I was like why?? why would a guy like 60 years old want to do a flip on a motorcycle? DH even joked and said text my friend, we used to live across the street from. (she is a volunteer for the ambulance service). Tell her they will probably get a call about some guy hurt flipping his motorcycle. (I didn't text her that of course, LOL)

Later that same afternoon we hear rounds of gunshots coming down from that neighborhood again. That is the last we have heard them.

Last night dh gets a text from our UPS guy. (he had told our UPS guy about this pilot flying right next to our house). He said he just delivered to that pilots house and guess what? He died about 10 days ago trying to do a flip with a motorcycle!

OMG!!!!! What a total idiot. Well, guess we won't have to deal with him low flying anymore.

Then we both got to thinking....we have not heard the gunfire coming from down there since it possible HE (or one of his adult sons) was really the one doing the shooting?? Maybe the other neighbors dh and Mr. Neighbor talked to just assumed it was the "constitution nut job" because he carries guns when he's walking around? DH was looking at the pilot's son's Facebook page. Also, UPS guy said the pilot guy has a roommate living with him and said his first name. (Pilot guy said he was divorced), so dh looked on his friends list and found an older guy with that name - picture of him holding ar-15 gun. 

Maybe - we are really hoping it was him that was doing the shooting. Seems more fitting with his personality, really, then the "constitution nut job", who has a family with 3 school aged kids. Why would he be out shooting after dark, when his family would be asleep in his house? Maybe - only time will tell I guess, but Mr. Neighbor is like maybe two birds just got killed with one stone.


  1. I always thought it was a special kind of evil to appear jubilant in the light of the news of a death.

    1. well, I guess we and our neighbors are "jubilant". I'm not sure where I came across as jubilant. Shocked, surprised and yep, glad not to have some thrill junky flying right in front of my house anymore. And yes, the guy was obviously an idiot. I'm not really sure why you even read my blog? You obviously rarely agree with anything I've had to say. What's in it for you to read someone's blog you don't like?

    2. If not jubilant, your casually retelling the comment "two birds with one stone," was at best, callous. Stupid though he may have been, that man was somebody's son, father, brother, etc. That strikes me as coldhearted. People are far more than our experience with them. I had the same reaction when an acquaintance gleefully ran up to me to tell me that one of the vicious dogs (to outsiders) who had months earlier gotten out and attacked my little dog while I was walking him on my lead, (several times, in fact) had been destroyed for getting out and attacking another person. No tears for the dog, but horrified that this person would think I would find someone having to lose a beloved family pet that way due to their own negligence reason to smile. (Breathe easier on my walks, yes, clap my hands and giggle, no.)
      As for why I visit your blog, I enjoy a lot of your posts, particularly decorating and dog stories, and have, up until now, always appreciated the fact that you allow differing opinions.

    3. Well, callous and jubilant are 2 quite different things. I think people receive back into their lives what they project out. This man was callous with his own life (obviously!) and also callous with others lives, safety, and property with his reckless and dangerous flying, and quite possibly with the shooting, if he turns out to have been the one also doing that. When he was trying to buddy up dh (so dh wouldn't turn him into the FAA) and acting like Mr. Big Shot, he told dh he was divorced. And then said "ya, but I named my son after me, so every time the bitch has to say his name, she has to think of me". Then when Dh brought up his neighbor (who we thought was doing the shooting) he smirks and says "ya, he's a total nutjob - but I sure would like to F--K his wife".

      So, ya. None of us here are having much heartache over the guy. If you want to call that coldhearted, well then, I guess we are guilty as charged. His death was caused by his own 100% stupidity. My whole post was a "casual retelling" of what happened. Mr. Neighbor's comment was just an old saying that conveys maybe two of our issues are gone now. Hardly evil. (as for Mr. Neighbor, it wouldn't surprise me one little bit if he also said a prayer for the man and his family). As far as the man's family, well that goes without saying, I would think, that they probably love and miss him. Doesn't change who he is or what he did.

      As far as me allowing different opinions on my blog - sure, but that also means you get to have my opinion back. As for myself, I don't much enjoy reading blogs of people I don't agree with and if by chance a blogger I do regularly read says something I don't agree with, I just skip on by that post and don't comment. It's not likely to change their opinion and certainly no need for me to go on their blog and try to make them feel morally inferior. But, that's just me.

  2. That is CRAZY! WOW. I can't celebrate death either...BUT you're right...the guy seemed very careless and it's so insane that he pretty much died by his own hand and foolishness.

    1. we had pretty much forgotten about him saying he was going to do the flip, but dang, that was just plain stupidity. I can't imagine what that must have been like for his family and friends there to witness.

  3. Huh - i didn't read this as celebrating his death. Reporting the facts that you had an idiot nearby and his choice to try to perform some stupid stunt ends up resolving one and possibly two of your issues. Your house and surrounding area sound so lovely - I hate hearing when people are being rude and disturbing the peace and doing dangerous stuff.

    1. Thank you. Exactly as you said!

    2. I agree with you, SAK. I think One Family stated the facts and managed to find a silver lining to a bad situation

  4. I did not think you sounded jubilant, either. I am not sure about some people. Well, the guy died stupidly and by his own hand. That is what machismo gets him. I would be thankful to be rid of several problems. It could have ended up badly for more people than one stupid person.

    1. The man died from his own stupidity and being a show off. No jubilation on our part. Just kind like shuck and surprise and then well huh. Guess that problem is solved now. He was obviously a very reckless person and thank god it wasn't something that could have injured others, like if he crashed that plane

    2. crashed the plane with your husband in it? That would have been horrible. I would never get in a plane with a person who had no fear and was a show off. I suppose it was inevitable he did something stupid that he would kill himself.

    3. there is no way dh would have gotten in that plane with him. He went up in a small plane once years ago with a friend who was a pilot, but only because he trusted the guy completely, and dh wanted to try to get over his fear of flying. DH will stick to his drone for seeing up there, haha. Also, I just noticed I had a typo above: that should have read "shock" not "shuck".

  5. Wow, that just seems such a sad (and extremely stupid) way to die doesn't it!
